Posts From trademagazin

Herz to liquidate?

Liquidation initiated against the 120 year old Herz Salami Ltd. The company was unable to agree with its financing bank. In accordance with the knowledge of Népszabadság, one of the...

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Eating healthy at work

20-30 percent revenue of the restaurants accepting hot-food vouchers comes from guests paying with hot-food vouchers during working hours. The goal of Sodexo Pass is that the acceding restaurant partners,...

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Decreasing real wages, but “only” in the budgetary sector

According to Central Statistical Office’s most recent report, real earnings and the number of the employed have been decreased. The biggest losers are the employees in the budgetary sector. The...

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Several hundreds gave blood in the Tesco

The first Tesco Health day was held on Saturday at 14 sites all over the country. The blood donoring was jointly organized by Red Cross and Tesco more than 600...

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Strengthening marketing for Budapest tourism

Budapest Tourism Agency (BTH) which is responsible for tourist marketing in the capital can spend 50 million HUF more this year – reports Világgazdaság. After the 450 million HUF budget...

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Dunapack Roadshow starts – ’Let’s pack together’ (x)

The Dunapack Paper and Packaging Ltd. which is Hungary's largest paper-packaging manufacturing company, launches a Road show around the country with expert advice, in order to present its products and...

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Significantly decreasing cereal harvest to be expected in 2009

Due to the dry weather cereal harvest may be reduced up to 30 percent, compared to last year’s harvest –said Vancsura József the Chief Executive Officer of National Association of...

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Animal feed producers in fusion

The Economic Competition Authority has decided – The Dutch-based, feed producer the Kabai Táp Ltd. can buy the similar profiled Pannonmill Ltd. The two companies signed the contract tahat Kabai...

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A three year peak in the German economic mood

The German ZEW economic sentiment index in May, is, increased 20 points higher than expected to 31.1 points from the 13 points of April. But the subindex reflects on the...

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Shopping malls in Austria – the outbreak of construction fever?

Despite the economic crisis, in the next three years, 46 new shopping center are planned to be constructed in Austria. The territory of Austrian shopping centers would increased to 800...

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Fourty percent of the Hungarians adults has bank loans

Nielsen market research company's representative survey of April states that Hungarians are less pessimistic of their personal financial situation than in March. Compared to March those who think that the...

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Gyulai Húskombinát stops the producing of its cold cuts

According to Ruck János Chief Executive Officer, Gyula Meat Factory stops the producing of 15-20 meat products. Due to the financial difficulties the company has to reorganize its operation, which...

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Price list at the entrance will be required

According to a recent re-regulation it will be required again to expose the food and drink supply, and the list prices by the entrance. However, it will be requiered in...

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Coca-Cola introduces new bottle

The Coca-Cola Company has unveiled a new plastic bottle made partially from plants. The "PlantBottle" is fully recyclable, has a lower reliance on a non-renewable resource, and reduces carbon emissions,...

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Coke Club, at the Lake Balaton

Coca-Cola Beach House of Siófok ended its last season in 2006. The successor of Coca-Cola Beach House called Coke Club has already been established on the basis of new ideas...

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Dunapack Roadshow starts – ’Let’s pack together’ (x)

The Dunapack Paper and Packaging Ltd. which is Hungary's largest paper-packaging manufacturing company, launches a Road show around the country with expert advice, in order to present its products and...

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Mortgage registration for the EU-protected Herz brand

The European Union has recently protected “téliszalámi Budapest, with a geographical indication to a protected product. Herz which has a loan stock of 3.8 billion HUF requested the assistance of...

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Trade in the euro area has improved in March

The balance of trade in the euro area unexpectedly improved in March, due to the fact that exports decreased at a lower rate than imports. The trade balance showed a...

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Cash instead of meal ticket?

According to two young Economists of ‘Newagegroup’ (Újkorcsoport) organisation, meal tickets should be given to the workers in cash. Kaderják Dániel and Balázs András stated that the free meal vouchers...

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Satisfied inspectors?

According to the spokesman of the National Work and Labor Inspectorate (OMMF) despite the more stringent controls last year, the number of infringements in agriculture did not increase – reports...

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New shopping center to open in November

Allee Trade Center will waiting its new guests with world famous brands at the corner of the Roads Bercsényi and Október 23. in Újbuda. Swedish fashion brand Hennes & Mauritz...

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Two billion HUF investment at the Somló wine region

The Somló-based Kreinbacher-winery started a two billion HUF investment. Fourty-five percent of the costs are of EU funds, 55 percent will come from own power. New winebottlery , sparkling wine...

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Competition for the retention of jobs

A Competitionhas been announced in order to the retention of jobs with a total of 20 billion HUF for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The companies wit at least five...

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Hungarian Business Products Network formed with the participation of 15 retail stores

The franchise owner, Premium Gastro Ltd. allows the useage of the name since May 15. The company previously started the operation of a Hungarian goods selling webstore – informed Ments...

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At least 63 thousand people will access supported travel check, this year

This year, more than 63 thousand people will receive supported travel checks worth of 2.2 billion HUF. Low-income pensioners, disabled persons, workers with at least two minor aged children of...

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Dunapack Roadshow starts – ’Let’s pack together’ (x)

The Dunapack Paper and Packaging Ltd. which is Hungary's largest paper-packaging manufacturing company, launches a Road show around the country with expert advice, in order to present its products and...

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Who will be the greener?

Students of a Salgótarján school won the “Who will be the greener?” waste deposit competition. The hard-working students’ reward will be a half a million forint excursion thanks to Tesco....

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New comprehensive business program at SáGa Foods

One of the country’s largest poultry and food company, reduce costs and increase efficiency, forced to discard 500 employees du to the further deterioration of the market environment. The company's...

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Decreasing producer prices in agriculture

The producer prices in March decreased by 26.8 percent compared to the same period to the previous year’s – states the quick briefing of the Central Statistical Office. The price...

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Health day in the Tesco

Between May 2009 and January 2010 14 sites all over the country Tesco organizes a ‘Health day’ in the spirit of a healthy lifestyle. The jointly organized Health day with...

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