Posts From trademagazin

Hungarian milk domestic sales declining

The Hungarian dairy business mood reduces and the domestic sales also declining – states the most recent summary of the Milk Marketing Board, which was published on the occasion of...

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The transformation of tourism

According to the study of the European Travel Commission and the World Tourism Organisation; the future of tourism is being transformed by the increasing of population, the increasing average age,...

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One-fifth of the companies feel the export boom

According to the latest survey of Coface Hungary; in nearly half of the interviewed hundreds of Hungarian exporting companies, an over 5 percent export revenues reduction occured in 2009. 21...

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A proposal for “hamburger tax”

The Strategic Alliance for the Hungarian Hospitals proposed a health action plan. The association's proposal also stipulates that health care contribution (10 HUF per unit) should be introduced on alcohol,...

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Best practices for self-regulation: the recent results of the beer industry

A report entitled “Beer advertising with responsible self-regulation ” was issued by the Brewers Association Europe (BoE), which summarizes the European brewing industry self-regulatory practices. The Brewers Association Europe (BoE)...

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The Watermelon Association initiates the creating of a government fund

The Hungarian Watermelon Association turns to the government for help. They want to achieve the creation of a government fund, that would pay the producers the price immediately, to avoid...

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The world price of coffee increased

Within five days, the world price of coffee increased by 20 percent. The Arabica coffee rose onto its two-year peak, according to analysts; mainly due to speculation. The price of...

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Hungary is the seventh greenest among seventeen countries

According to the survey of the National Geographic; the Indian, Brazilian and Chinese consumers are the greenest, while the consumption of the American, Canadian French and British citizens are considered...

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Clorox donation for flood victims

The DunaPro Ltd, the Hungarian distributor of the Clorox brand, offered a significant amount of detergent products, to help the flood victims. The products provide a great help to the...

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GKI expects a one percent growth from the Hungarian economy

According to the new forecast of the GKI Economic Research Co.; the Hungarian economy will grow by one percent this year, the government deficit to GDP ratio will be 4...

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In August, Budapest will be the food industry capital

This year, Europe's largest food event series will be held in Budapest, in the second half of August. The 1st World Summit on Sustainable Food Initiative, originates from Hungary, from...

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A small decrease occured in agri producer prices

The producer price level of agricultural goods declined by 0.2 percent in January-April, compared to a year earlier – reports the Central Statistical Office (KSH). According to the datas of...

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Fruit and vegetables prices increase

Fruits will be expensive this year. 60-70 percent of strawberries, sour cherries and cherries were destroyed because of the rainy May – said Mártonffy Béla, Executive Director of FRUITVEB. About...

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New participant on the café market

The fast café markets, that are well-known for decades abroad, growing in Hungary also. Today, Starbucks is opening its gates in Hungary. This segment on the drinks market can be...

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The expansion of European industry broke a record on annual basis

Industrial production in the countries of the Euro area increased faster-than-expected in April, but the rate of growth slowed, compared to March. The annual expansion was the largest ever recorded....

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Chicken meat price to increase

The price of chicken meat will increase by about 20-100 HUF per kilo in the forthcoming days. An increase in demand occured in Western Europe, which means increasing orders for...

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Flood fundraising campaign in the Tesco stores

Tesco helps the flood victims with fundraising cards. The country's largest retail will make simple and easy to donate for all buyers of the chain. Anyone can take from the...

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Detergents for the flood victims

14 million HUF worth of detergents, cleaning and disinfecting products were sent by the Reckitt Benckiser to the flood-stricken region, with the assistance of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service. The...

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Tesco’s sales turnover is increasing

According to the latest report of the UK supermarket chain; its global sales turnover excluding fuel – increased by 6.9 percent in the three months, ended on the 30th of...

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Milk Day: 41 percent of the Hungarians consumes milk daily

Milk is one of the most important basic food of mankind. 44 percent of the world's population consumes milk on a daily basis. The International Milk Assiciation and the United...

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Corvin Gastro: Giant catering-complex behind the cinema

The development of the Corvin Promenade came to its next stage. The developer, the Futureal will establish a 4200 square meters of special hospitality place called Corvin Gastro in the...

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Counterfeiting of goods – one of the most profitable industry

According to Forbes; Counterfeiting of goods is among the world's seven most profitable illegal industries. It is estimated that 5-7 percent of total international trade expose by fakes. Drug business,...

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Import food control will be more stringent

According to the plans of the government; import food control will be more stringent. According to domestic processors; this will not reduce the proportion of foreign goods, but at least...

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The supporters of Sunday opening hours have a narrow majority

According to the survey of Median; Public opinion is divided in the question if the state would regulate Sunday opening hours. The number of the proposal’s supporters has increased in...

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Farmer’s Day in Szerencs

Jubilee of the Szerencs Farmer’s Days. The city situates in Hegyalja will give place to the exhibition and fair, from the 18th to the 20th of June. Szabó János, manager...

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A surprising reduction in the U.S. retail market

U.S. retail sales unexpectedly showed a decrease of 1.2 percent in May, while the earlier data was revised from a 0.4 percent increase to 0.6 percent. Expectations were about a...

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Hill&Knowlton to help flood victims

Hill&Knowlton, one of Hungary's leading PR agencies helps the flood victims with donations. Among the customers of H&K, MARS, Kométa and Unilever have also joined to the action. Due to...

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Dynamic export expansion to Asia

According to the experts of the Hungarian National Bank; Hungary was the only in the region that was able in the last two years, to increase its export to Asia...

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METRO builds a unique Customer Academy

The Customer Academy is being built beside the Budaörs centre of METRO. The Customer Academy will also contain a high quality and professional kitchen for the students. METRO responds to...

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Consumer confidence is key to the growth in demand

According to the survey of Nielsen market research company; Although the turnover of food retail sales decreased, consumer confidence is coming back. Two thirds of Hungarian consumers switched to buy...

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