Posts From trademagazin

There is a high demand for consumer credit

Low-interest, revolving credit, fast and less administration and simple pre-qualification – these aspects are considered to be important for a client applying for customer loans – it is revealed from...

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Lánchíd Klub called on the companies to pool

For the surviving families of natural disasters, resumption and claim adjustment carries tremendous difficulties. In case one becomes a victim under more modest circumstances, without savings and insurance, the tragedy...

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We are eating healthier according to KSH

Less fat, more vegetables and fruits – KSH (Hungarian Central Statistical Office) reports that we have come closer to the rates of healthy nutrition pyramid in the last years. According...

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Possible shortage of potatoes – domestic production halves this year

There might be problems both with the quantity and quality of this year’s potatoes. The greater part of the harvest will be less tenable partly because of the improper potato...

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In search for the best liver sausage and brawn

Not only the best liver sausage is looked for but also the best brawn on the Élelmiszerlánc (Food Chain) World Week. The Hungarian products might be the world leaders on...

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FIFA World Cup revives sport related markets

The World Cup does not only affect the market of flat panel tv sets, but also sportswear supply and sales – it is revealed in the data gathered by the...

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Sága-research on Hungarian women – less housework and more time with the family

The study made by Sága Foods Plc. reveals that seven out of ten women wishes to spend less time with cooking and more time with her family. The aim of...

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Zwack closed down its financial year with a profit of two and a half billion forints

On its general assembly, Zwack Unicum Plc. consented to pay a dividend of 1000 forints per share. Last year a dividend of 2300 forints per share was payed, the amount...

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British supermarkets are put in pawn by TESCO

Nearly a billion pounds worth mortgage debentures have been issued by TESCO on its supermarkets in Great Britain. This is not the first such transaction and even the Hungarian subsidiary...

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E-bills can save us a trillion

If the Hungarian companies switched to e-billing, our economy would get rid of 400 millions of paper bills and it could evade a cost of four billion euros with savings...

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Shopping addict men

A German study claims that men can also become shopping addicts. The logos stimulated the rewarding system brain areas. Scientists have analyzed the brain activities of men susceptible of shopping...

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The EU about to export fruit more easily to Russia

The European Union has made a revolutionary agreement with Russia – they have unified the regulations regarding the maximum allowed amount of pesticides in food. The agreement concerns fruits like...

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Henkel won Walmart’s prize for the second time

The American commerce giant, Walmart has given Henkel the Sustainability Award for the second time. As members of the international Walmart task forces, German, Central-American and North-American employees of Henkel...

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Danone attacks with ten-cent yoghurt

Danone turns to the markets of developing countries, because it has exhausted the growth opportunities of wealthy countries according to the Wall Street Journal. The company therefore aims to conquer...

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Gösser beer is 150 years old

For this occasion, the Gösser Breweries in Leoben held a beer festival to celebrate the anniversary. The thousands of people celebrating, but they could also taste Gösser’s anniversary beer. The...

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Heartfelt support out of corporate alliance and voluntary contribution: Maspex Olympos Ltd.

Operatives of Maspex Olympos Ltd. have initiated a fund-raising action for the benefit of flood victims. Each employee has donated a sum at their own discretion and by their own...

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Metro shows up in Egypt

Metro Cash & Carry wholesale chain continues its international expansion with its department store ’MAKRO’ opening in Cairo. Egypt is the thirtyfirst on the list of countries which join the...

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Chio fries its products in healthier oil from 1st July

Starting from 1st July 2010, Chio Hungary Ltd. switches to a new oil mixture in both of its factories. The new frying oil contains 30% less saturated fatty acids than...

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Destination centers instead of malls

For retail real estate development it is no longer enough to have a clean concept. The developers need to examine the shopping habbits, the purchasing power and the location of...

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Pick and Vodafone together in Formula 1

The Pick brand pertaining to the OTP chief, Sándor Csányi, is going to appear on the McLaren Mercedeses at the Hungarian F1 Grand Prix 2010 – announced Sándor Csányi and...

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Cool weather is not favourable for beer consumption

After last year’s throw-back of 90%, the cool early summer further worsened the sales statistics. It can not be foreclosed the by the time of annual data comparison, there will...

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No more ’ten-eggs’ or ’four-apples’?

The latest proposal of the European Parliament would put an end to food distribution based on number of pieces. Instead, the volume of the product would be indicated on the...

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American consumers are optimistic

Consumer sentiment in the US has reached an unexpected peak since January 2008. Besides, the number of layoffs has remarkably decreased since the same period last year. The Michigan consumer...

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Huge greenhouse is being built in Tura

Founded on a local underground hot water of 130 Celsius degrees, a greenhouse as large as ten hectares (10,000 scquare meters) is being built. Approximately six thousand tons of tomatoes...

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New Managing Director at Dreher Breweries Ltd.

It has been announced that Andrei Haret is the new Managing Director of Dreher Breweries Ltd. effectively from 1st July, 2010. The Romanian professional joined SABMiller in 2003 as the...

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Kellogg recalls its cereal

The manufacturer of breakfast cereal products, Kellogg, is obliged to get 28 million boxes of cereal removed from shop shelves. The reason behind the decision is that the food tastes...

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VAT rise in Romania

The amount of the value-added tax has been increased from 19 to 24 percent in Romania according to a governmental decision. The immediate tax increase was neccessary, because the Romanian...

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The majority, benefitted from globalization

The survey of Ipsos, that was made for with the participation of 18,624 adult respondents, living in 24 countries, representing the 75 percent of the world's GDP. In context...

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Falling turnover at Lake Balaton

The food retailers of the South-Balaton, reported a 15-20 percent traffic decrease, caterers reported about a 20-30, coastal buffets about a 30-50 percent decrease, compared to last year's pre-season datas...

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The Kisvárda–based company delivers to European McDonald's and British Tesco

The Master Good Ltd. of Kisvárda uses completely genetically engineered organisms free feedingstuffs on its poultry plants. Bárány László, owner of the company told MTI, that his company supplements domestically...

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