Posts From trademagazin

Parragh: the proportion of Hungarian products should be increased

According to Parragh László; in the future the proportion of Hungarian products in the shops should be increased, but it will not be easy because the price is still a...

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KSH: foreign trade improves, an increase in exports

In August, the foreign trade turnover significantly improved, after the stagnation of the previous two months. The export in euros increased by 13.0 percent, import by 13.1 percent, compared to...

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Magazine: More expensive tea varieties at more accessible prices

Cheaper, especially private label products of higher-positioned tea varieties – real fruit and green teas – were able to improve sales in the last 12 months. Edina Kanics, refreshment COAM...

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Investing in sugar is a good business

Stock market sugar investments could bring up to 250 percent returns between 2008 and 2011, which directs more and more small investors' attention onto this basic raw material. The growing...

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Wine Wednesday next week

More than two hundred restaurants registered for the Wine Wednesday that will be held on the 9th of November, where the guests can become acquainted with quality Hungarian red wines...

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Two and a half billion HUF development at the Kisalföldi Mezőgazdasági Zrt.

In three years, – two 500 kW biogas plant was built from 2.5 billion forints, half of the amount was funded by source applications. Also nine stables were converted into...

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Great quarter at Adidas

The German Adidas sports equipment and apparel group increased its annual profit forecast again after its last quarterly profit record. In the July-September third quarter, Adidas has a 3.7 billion...

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Fast, contactless paying system with PayPass at SPAR stores

From 3rd November 2011, SPAR-group has made contactless payment system available in 400 SPAR, Kaiser1s and INTERSPAR stores, supported by MasterCard® and Maestro® bankcards. SPAR is the first retail chain...

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New promotion by Tesco and Tefal

Tesco's most successful point-collecting special offer is being closed now, which helped more than 1 million customers obtain a Fila-bag. However, Tesco is not leaving loyal customers without a special...

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Health tourism is blooming

An expansion of the health care and fitness services of Harkány is the major goal of the investment of more than 3 billion HUF. Harkányi Gyógyfürdőkórház Nonprofit Kft., Harkányi Gyógyfürdő...

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Scots drink more than the English

In Scotland, the consumption of spirits broke all previous records and was significantly higher than the corresponding figures for England and Wales – told the UK Health authorities in their...

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ÉFOSZ: The goverment is against the food industry

The expansion of chips-tax has not yet been approved by the government, still the Federation of Hungarian Food Industries (ÉFOSZ) is protesting against the new bill. ÉFOSZ is convinced that...

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Investment sentinent declines

Less than 55% of SMEs in Hungary are planning to make investments in the next twelve months, down 5 percentage points from the previous quarter to the lowest in six...

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Chips-tax led to the dismissals

Dismissals started in the confectionery industry, that is  most affected by the public health care product fee. As has been said earlier by the advocacy organizations of the food and...

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Plentiful supply pushes cocoa prices deep

London cocoa prices fell depths have not seen for two years, after promising shipments arrived to the Ivorian ports. According to Bloomberg; while two weeks ago the East African country's...

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MNB: company borrowings will increase only from 2013

Borrowing turn delays at companies. According to the Hungarian National Bank, the turning point may come in early 2013. The central bank estimated a year-end turning in the Spring, but...

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SMEs' investment willingness has gone

The investment willingness of ther domestic SMEs broke a negative record. Currently only half of the companies thinking about development. According to the survey of K&H Bank, made with interviewing...

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School milk subsidy can be claimed from Wednesday

School milk subsidy for the between the September 1 and October 31 delivery period can be claimed from Wednesday  – annuounced the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) to MTI on...

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Magazine: We save money on personal hygiene instead of buying fewer cleaning products

GfK Hungária’s ConsumerScan report reveals that in the first half of 2011 chemical product sales dropped 2 percent in volume and 4 percent in value. This decrease was not distributed...

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The development of Kométa enables to process an annual 800 thousand pigs

The Kométa ’99 Zrt. modernized its cutting line from two billion forints and this week also installed it. Through the development, an annual 800 thousand pigs can be processed from...

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Groupon compares itself to

Groupon offering community shopping services compares itself to during its investor roadshows, but analysts and potential investors are quite skeptical about this type of analogy. The Amazon was in...

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Sodexo is expanding its range of services

Sodexo is planning long-term investments in Hungary: one proof for that is the fact that they are launching a number of new services this autumn. Among these is the electronic,...

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(HU) Lézer mutatja ki a hamis whiskyt

New solutions have been developed to detect teh imitations of the Scottish national drink. The researchers of  St. Andrews University announced that they obtained a new instrument which can clearly...

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Pizza for politicians is more expensive in Naples

Pizza is almost thirty times more expensive than the usual price for the politicians in Neapolitan pizzerias: the restaurants wish to pay out the economic crisis with the highly paid...

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59 Hungarian products added to the menu Tesco

New Hungarian specialities have been added to the shelves of Tesco-stores in HUngary. The company held an open forum with the small- and medium-sized businesses of Fejér, – Komárom-Esztergom and...

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GKI: Signs of recession

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Co. prospects for the next year are gloomy, and recession is looming, though less deep than two years ago. Inflation is accelerating,...

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Retail sales of food saw a 4 percent growth in terms of value

Retail sales of food saw a 4 percent growth in terms of value from December 2010 to September 2011, as compared to the previous year – a new suvey by...

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Red wine to be the symbol of Budapest

Red wine is soon to become the symbol of Budapest again, as members of the Kadarka Circle decided to grow special kind of red wine grapes in the Uda-mountains again....

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Magazine: Reliable and universal solutions are the stars in cleaning

Even the recession was not enough for cheap unbranded products to gain ground among cleaning products. Why? Because the number one criterion for cleaning products is to work, to offer...

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VM: proportional burden-sharing for safe food products

The aim of the introduction of  the food chain supervision fee is to reach more proportional burden-sharing  among the participants of the food chain – said the Ministry of Rural...

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