Posts From trademagazin

Green light to the square-shaped Milka chocolates

The Regional Court of Cologne has changed the first-degree prohibiting verdict and has given green light to the marketing of the square-shaped Milka products. The court explained that the packaging...

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Future Store at FOODAPEST (VIDEO)

Videos of the event (3 pcs): A Future Store szervezői: Támogatóink:...

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Chia seed to conquer the world

Many people in the UK won't have heard of the chia seed, but if regulators give their backing this US superfood craze could be on the way. Goji berries, kombucha,...

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A reduction in the price of eggs

According to informations of MTI, the retail price of eggs has stopped and even decreased in some places before Easter. The price of eggs, especially in the urban shops and...

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KSH: imports grew stronger than exports in February

In the second month of the year, the forint value of imports growth exceeded the forint value increase of exports. Imports increased by 9.5, exports by 6.3 percent, compared to...

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Nielsen identifies attributes of the global, socially-conscious consumer

Sixty three percent of global, socially-conscious consumers are under age 40, they consult social media when making purchase decisions and are most concerned about environmental, educational and hunger causes, according...

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CBA may acquire the leaving chains

According to market informations, the Profi and the Match can be the two chain of stores that may generate more excitement in the Hungarian commercial industry. Great competition has started...

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Easter consumer protection control: the number of infringements reduces

The Consumer Protection Authority and the Food Chain Safety Board of Heves County identified only minor offenses during their controls, focusing on Easter products – announced Horváth László, Government Agent...

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A novelty in communication between consumers and retailers

The NFC technology-based system will make the communication between consumers and retailers easier. The new system debuted in a store of a national supermarket chain in Budapest. According to the...

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Protection is needed in the orchards due to the cold weather

The weather of the recent days is ideal for some dangerous mushrooms, so it is required to protect against brown rot, the tafrina, the scab with spraying – reminds th...

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Slovakian Penta can buy the German drugstore chain

Only one serious bidder remained for the German Schlecker drugstore chain: the Slovakian Penta Investment financial group. According to the informations of Der Spiegel, the purchase price or the amount...

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More than 8 thousand venues accept OTP SZÉP-cards

Currently, there are 300 thousand users possessing OTP SZÉP-carrds, which is the new form of cafteria tickets to purchase food. These users can now spend their money at more than...

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The local government organizes the agri expo in Pápa

This year, the local government will organize the traditional agri expo in Pápa, which was almost cancelled because of funding problems. Áldozó Tamás, mayor and Sipőcz István, President of the...

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New conference about the hungaricum law

The Parliament of Hungary has voted yes for the so-called hungaricum law, which opens up a brand new gate of possibilities to produce unique, odd products and facilities. Thus, we...

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The Hungarian Ambassador in Paris was requested for a visit in the case of meal vouchers

Trócsányi László Hungarian Ambassador in Paris was called in to the French Foreign Ministry on Friday in connection with the meal vouchers. Paris considers that Hungary does not comply applicable...

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Detki biscuits from the Easter bunny

Detki Keksz has made the decision to support children in need in Heves megye, so the gifted the Children-protection Center of Heves County in Egerszalók with a huge package of...

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Hipercom: How much does Easter cost this year?

Easter has already began if we consider it from the viewpoint of special offer leaflets. The database of Hipercom Monitoring takes a closer look at the prices of products linked...

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Kopint-Tárki: GDP will grow with 0.3 percent this year, while inflation rises to 5.5 percent

Kopint-Tárki expects 0.3 percent economic growth in 2012, same as it was previously projected, but increased the inflation forecast to 5.5 percent, compared to the 4.6 percent forecast projected in...

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Retailers of the malls consider the rents too high

The retailers consider rents high in the malls- writes [origo]. Behind the conflicts, the decrease of turnover lies. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), between 2007...

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AMC: strictly controlled pigs

It is worth to look for the official seal on pork products and search for the HU country signal, which provides a good chance that the product is made of...

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Fazekas Sándor: Agrarian Bank in Home Straight

“The Hungarian Agrarian Bank may come into existence within the foreseeable future as a result of the decision brought at the Government's Wednesday session” – Minister for Rural Development Fazekas...

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Minister for the Economy wants VAT System with five keys

Matolcsy György in a book review published in Heti Válasz on Thursday favors the introduction of the financial value added tax and the introduction of a VAT System. He writes,...

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Magazine: Húsgombóc Artúr

Húsgombóc Artúr...

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The fish planting season in the Lake Balaton started with Easter carp

The Balatoni Halgazdálkodási Nonprofit Zrt. (BHNp) has begun this year’s fish planting season on Thursday, with the release of more than 10 thousand kilo-sized carp into the Lake Balaton. 300...

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Strong recovery may occur in Europe's largest economy

According to the Wednesday projection of the German DIW economy research institute, “Strong recovery” based on internal consumption will start in the German economy, in the forthcoming years. According to...

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Easter Festival in Hollókő

The two day long Easter Festival of Hollókő awaits the visitors beside folk and Christian traditions with gastronomic and crafts demonstrations, on April 8th and 9th. Hollókő, Hungary's only World...

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Several tons of rotten meat was seized in Szarvas

Several tons of rotten meat was seized by the authorities in Szarvas at a premise of a company. The food chain safety authority suspended the company's activities told Vargáné Szombati...

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Special award goes to Tutti Élelmiszeripari Ltd.

Ottó Prohászka Ottó, CEO of Tutti Élelmiszeripari Ltd. has received the special award of Hungarian Agrareconomy Quality Award at the mInistry of Rural Development for the company's oustanding work....

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NÉBIH prepares for special inspections before Easter

The National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) during its March controls imposed nearly 10 million HUF fines. In the pre-Easter period. The authority now prepares for nationwide inspections. According to...

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OKSZ: rising consumer confidence, extra Easter sales

Consumer confidence increased noticeably in Hungary during the past few weeks – said Vámos György, Secretary-General of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) who expects 35-40 billion HUF additional turnover, similar...

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