Posts From trademagazin

Gold Friday Reloaded

The Gold Friday campaign of the Dreher Sörgyárak Zrt. in connection with the Arany Ászok brand was relaunched in April this year. The campaign last year has brought renewal not...

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New dm store opened in Pilisvörösvár

The dm drugstore chain opened its new store in Pilisvörösvár on the 26th April 2012. On the occasion of the opening the drugstore chain awaits the customers with 5X points...

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Pepsi has launched an advertising offensive

Pepsi began a large offensive: in the first quarter the company spent 25 percent more on advertising than a year earlier. The marketing campaign is the part of a major...

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Magazine: Drinking straw made from beef!

A former bartender invented drinking straws for Bloody Mary that are made from top quality beef. If we accept that snack sausages go really well with cocktails, this idea does...

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Festival of Balaton wines in Budapest

The wines of 35 wines cellars, including Kreinbacher, Laposa, Pálffy and Szászi Winery, as well as gastronomic and cultural offer await the guests of the 4th Balaton wine festival between...

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Kiwi fruits are being planted in Zala county

A five-hectare kiwi plantation is installed near Becsehely, Zala county. The producers would harvest the first fruits three years later. The installation of Hungary's first utility-scale kiwi orchard has been...

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Nielsen: 6 percent growth in value, stability in terms of volume

Global consumer confidence increased five index points to 94 in Q1 2012, according to global consumer confidence findings from Nielsen, a leading global provider of information and insights into what...

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Food sales picked up at Easter

Food sales picked up during the Easter period. According to the informations of the chain of stores, the sales of hams increased the most. Among the typical food products of...

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KSH: 59 thousand more people worked in the first quarter than a year ago

In this year's first quarter, the number of employees was 3 million 791 thousand, 59 thousand more than a year ago – told the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Friday,...

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The handover documents of the Cora stores were signed

The handover documents of the Cora stores were signed on Friday afternoon – said Gillemot Katalin, Auchan spokesperson to MTI. The spokesperson said that from the afternoon, the stores will...

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Öko-Pannon: the new product-fee regulation can increase costs and administration

According to the ÖKO-Pannon Kft., that coordinates separate waste collection and recovery, the new product-fee regulation can increase costs and administration significantly. However, the National Waste Management Agency draws attention...

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Magazine: Modest improvement in the Mediterranean

The proportion of consumers in the Mediterranean who think their country is in economic recession: Portugal: 97 percent, Italy: 95 percent, Spain: 92 percent. In Italy FMCG retail sales augmented...

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Commercial toplist 2011: Tesco, CBA, Coop leading the list

In spite of the extremely low customer confidence, retail sales volume of food, household chemicals only saw a 1 percent decrease last year, compared to the previous year. The moderate...

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Unilever shows solid progress in first quarter 2012

The first quarter results reflect solid performance in challenging market conditions. Despite sluggish economies, weak consumer confidence in many markets and sustained levels of competitive intensity, all of our Categories...

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The Széchenyi Rest Cards are mostly used for hospitality

According to the issuers surveyed by MTI, customers mostly use the Széchenyi Rest Cards in restaurants, and only secondarily at accommodations, but this can change with the start of the...

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Bath development in Bükkszék, in the home of Salvus

The foundation stone of the all year operating spa and bath using the world-famous Salvus water was laid down on Friday in Bükkszék, Heves county. In the scope of the1.25...

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A series of bread records in Sepsiszentgyörgy

Within a week record-heavy Székely (potato) bread was baked in Sepsiszentgyörgy, Transylvania for the second time on the occasion of Saint George's day. Diószegi László baker also bakes a surprises...

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A Pálinka House was inaugurated in Tarpa

The new tasting house that presents and promtes plum pálinka was handed over on Friday in Tarpa, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County. MTI Photo: Balázs Attila The Plum house and the associated plum...

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Milk sector’s revenue increased by ten percent

The revenue of the milk sector increased by about ten percent last year, compared to the datas of a year earlier, reaching 200 billion HUF- told Lukács László, Executive Director...

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Hungary will be a cottage cheese great power

The Milk Marketing Board Interprofessional Organization ends its milk export support program as well as the promotion of the healthy nature of milk – instead the organization will concentrate on...

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Country risk assessments review : Improvement in Japan and the United States, but euro zone risk on the rise

In Coface’s view, the world economy is presently marked by divergence between the three major advanced zones: the economic contraction in the euro zone is worsening (-0.3% currently forecast in...

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23.8 billion euros were invested on the commercial real estate markets of Europe in the first quarter

The moderate investment turnover reflected the seasonal slowdown on the European commercial real estate sales market in early 2012 – states CB Richard Ellis global real estate consultant in its...

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Regular consumer protection inspections to be carried out in the chains in the capital

The consumer protection inspections will continue and will be regular in the future to provide appropriate quality and standard to the customers – emphasized Pesti Imre, Government Office commissioner of...

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MNB expects reducing consumption beside declining incomes

In 2012, the stagnation of the economy is expected, growth only starts in 2013 – writes the Hungarian National Bank (MNB). Domestic demand remains low, growth is dragged by exports....

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The participants of the meat black market can expect continous harassment

According to news from Brussels, meat processors and pig farmers, cannot expect improvement, because the situation of pig breeding will not change basically – was said at the meeting of...

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CSAOSZ – packagening competition in 2012, too

The National Association of Packaging and Material Handling (CSAOSZ) as a member organization of the Global Packaging Alliance (WPO), announces HUNGAROPACK Hungarian Packaging Competition for the 29th time. To the...

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Unexpected success of the employment program

Fourteen disadvantaged job seekers found their safe workplace during an employment assistance program in Gödöllő. The GAK Nonprofit Kft. and its and consortium partners launched the project supported by the...

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China wants to double its trade turnover in Poland

China in the next five years wants to double trade flows in Poland – said Wen Jiabao, China's prime minister on Thursday in Warsaw, Poland in his opening speech at...

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Fake-labeled cans were seized by the authorities in Tolna county

More than 35 thousand fake-labeled bottles of cucumbers and green tomatoes and canned goods were seized by the authorities in Tolna county – told the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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Magazine: Cooperation in Soho, London to protect the environment

In London’s Soho more and more bars and restaurants join the movement that started last year: these places are fighting for a drastic reduction in plastic drinking straw usage or...

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