Posts From trademagazin

Apple harvest has begun with early varieties

Apple harvest has begun with the harvest of the early varieties. This year a medium-high amount of crop is expected, but there can be problems with quality; producers sell the...

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Budai Gyula calls for further negotiations between the producers and traders

As Budai Gyula state secretary told  Népszabadság that a consensus  is “in progress” between the traders  and the players of  the meat industry – but exact details were not mentioned....

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Campaign was launched to promote apples

In the scope of the co-operation between the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) and the Agricultural Marketing Centre (AMC) apple promotion campaign will be launched in order to promote Hungarian...

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Blonde mangalica and speckled poultry in Egerág

The breeding  of indigenous domestic animals will begin in Egerág, Baranya county. The first animals and the feed for 14 month will be provided by the state in collaboration with...

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Magazin: Appearing-disappearing

Pop-up restaurants are a typical 21st century-phenomenon, a metropolitan restaurant concept that is as much about cuisine as about marketing. They only work for a very short time and disappear...

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The first pálinka-line of Sziget

The first pálinka-line of Sziget has been opened by Rézangyal on Friday with stars like Compact Disco, Magashegyi Underground, Maszkura és Tücsökraj, and several pálinka-fans and journalists. The main purpose...

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Jenson Button’s restaurant clsoed after a year

The Victus Restaurant opened in Harrogate on September 11, last year, with a ceremony attended by the Formula World Cahmpion of 2009. The Formula One star, who is estimated to...

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9 m3 PET-bottles recycled at Sziget by Coca-Cola

Selective trash cans were introduced to the audience of Sziget festival quite a few years ago, with the help of the nonprofit organization called Zöldövezet. However, Coca-Cola is the first...

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Free concerts to save Sástó

Sástó, Mátrafüred is not only the venue of one of Central Europe's most popular underground festival Fekete Zaj, but is also the home of the highest located lake in the...

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GMO boss warns of food crisis

“Resource squabbles and waves of food-induced migration will threaten global stability and global growth,” Jeremy Grantham says. Global investors should have as much as 30 per cent of their portfolios...

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Olympics: successful retailers, restaurants do not see much extra profit

Commerce is seeing amazing increases both in terms of volume and value, but the catering scene is not really making extra profits due to the Olympics. However, there are a...

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We need import-wine again due to grape-problems

It has been a long time since the wine of the country is facing difficulties for two years in a row. however, following last year's grape-problems, the country is facing...

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Nestlé: steady momentum, full-year outlook confirmed

Sales of CHF 44.1 billion, 6.6% organic growth, 2.9% real internal growth Trading operating profit of CHF 6.6 billion (+ 6.3%), margin 15.0% (- 10 bps) 12.9% organic growth in...

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SPAR is getting ready for school with new products

SPAR Hungary has launched a wide range of high quality “back to school”-products with favourable prices in order to prepare for September. The school catalogue of SPAR is available from...

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Debt crisis hits German industrial output in June

Industrial output in Germany declined in June, as the debt crisis increasingly makes itself felt on Europe's biggest economy, official data showed on Wednesday. Industrial production declined 0.9% in June...

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Pumpkin seed oil mill built in Nemesvámos

With a nearly two hundred million HUF investment, a new pumpkin seed oil mill was built by Peiba Ltd. in Nemesvámos, in order to produce shell-less pumpkin seeds. The project...

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ProLogis European Properties leases 63,800 square metres of distribution space in Central Europe

ProLogis European Properties (Euronext: PEPR), one of Europe’s largest owners of modern warehouse distribution facilities, today announces that it has completed seven lease transactions in Central Europe, totalling 63,800 square...

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Olympic fever at Tesco

The retail chain got ready for the Olympics with a wide range of attractive offers, among many other things they have new favourable prices for sport devices, TVs and various...

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In June, foreign demand continued to increase, while domestic demand continued to decrease in public accommodation establishments

In the observed period, due to foreign guests, the number of guests slightly increased. However, on the whole, the number of tourism nights in public accommodation establishments decreased by 0.5%...

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Gastronomical- and festivalpark in Békéscsaba

A new gastronomical and festival-park has been built in Békéscsaba within the compass of a 1.3 billion HUF investment, the new building will open in the summer of 2014. The...

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Beer-festival at Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő

The beer-festival SótóFeszt in Nyíregyháza-Sóstógyógyfürdő is waiting for guests from 17th to 20t August with more than 50 beer-specialities....

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The Hungarian government focuses on the mangalica and the Hungarian great white

The presentation that aims to develop the pig industry will be submitted to the government on Wednesday. In the presentation, the Ministry of Rural Development Strategy proposes to launch the...

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Mobile payment system before outbreak

Tesco has launched its virtual store service, already at Gatwick airport. The passengers after landing can directly arrange the shopping with their smartphones. But this novelty not only spreads in...

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Analysts: Foreign trade surplus can be similar to last year’s or may be even larger

According to the analysts of Erste Bank and the Savings Bank, this year, foreign trade surplus can be similar to last year’s or may be even larger. According to the...

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GfK: The icecream-season had a successful start

This year's weather is very favourable when it comes to the icecream-market, especially for the box-versions of the most popular icecreams. In the beginning of the season – the second...

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NÉBIH asks the chains to display the office's green number

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) and the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) wrote letter to the food chains asking them to display the office’s toll free number in...

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August 20: Street of Hungarian Tastes, Cake of Hungary, Ice cream of the Year and other goodies

The organizers are preparing a two-day program, that will follow the traditions, but will contain a number of new elements – announced the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice about...

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Magazine: What should MVI stand for?


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Honey festival in Csengerújfalu during the weekend

Honey-king and honey-queen election, and honey fair and tasting, food with honey, cakes, honey ball and concerts will await the visitors on Saturday and Sunday at the Honey festival of...

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A clothing store caught fire in the Arena Plaza

A 500 square meter clothing store caught fire in the Arena Plaza on the ground floor on Wednesday morning. No personal injuries were reported – the spokesman of the Municipal...

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