Posts From trademagazin

Árukereső.hu: people spend 1000 HUF more on the start of the school this year

This year, the Hungarian Internet users plan to spend an average of 26,900 HUF on school starting – shows the recent survey of Árukereső.hu. According to the portal’s summary sent...

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Pozsonyi croissant included to the EU register of specialty products

The European Commission has included the Pozsonyi croissant into the EU register of specialty products – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) informed MTI on Wednesday According to the communication,...

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Emergency Scenario is being made for the Gyulai Húskombinát

The owner, the HAGE-NAGISZ Nádudvari Mezőgazdasági Vállalkozói Csoport is seeking for sources that can be rearranged from other companies of the HAGE-NAGISZ group to maintain the continuous production of the...

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Increased revenue and after tax profit at the world's largest commercial chain

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. reported a profit growth of 5.7 percent for the first quarter closed at end of July, while the company improved this year's profit forecast. Wal-Mart's after tax...

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Harvest has begun in the Villány wine region

Good quality, but 15 to 20 percent less than the average yield is expected in the Villany wine region this year, where the harvest has begun this week. In the...

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The rural hotels will make profit from the long weekend

In the long weekend connected to Aug. 20 demand grows for rural hotels primarily. In Budapest, August is not a peak season – Kovács István, Secretary of the Hungarian Association...

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Pie Festival in Varsány

The fifth Pie Festival of Varsány will be held Saturday in Varsány, Nógrád county, where for the first time not only the most delicious cake will be rewarded, but also...

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More than 20 thousand people visited Vidéki Musta so far

Visitors (more than 20 thousand people so far) have purchased a total of 10 000 litres od dairy products and 1000 kg home-made meat-products within the compass of the Vidéki...

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KSH: industrial production rose by 0.6 percent in June

In June, industrial production rose by 0.6 percent, compared to the previous year, both on the basis of unadjusted and working-days adjusted datas – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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The decrease in the number of general food stores has stopped in Hungary

The decrease in the number of general food stores lasting for one and a half decade has stopped in Hungary. According to the new census of Nielsen market research company,...

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The proportion of spendings on health further increases within total consumption

Preservation of health and recovery – in accordance with the international trends – are becoming more important for the Hungarian population – shows the datas of the Economic Health Monitor...

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The Biopackpro Kft. has developed a compostable packaging

The Biopackpro Csomagolástechnikai Projekt Kft. developed compostable organic packaging material from polylactic acid (PLA) in the scope of the New Széchenyi Plan (ÚSZT). For project implementation, the company won 421.25...

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Coop T-Systems' 1100 points security

The Co-op Hungary Zrt., which has the largest coverage among the domestic food chains in Hungary, renewed and at the same time also broadened its previous contract with T-Systems Magyarország...

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Czechs incrasingly seeking for local food products

More and more Czechs are looking for local food products: According to the recent survey of the GfK Incoma company, 53 percent of the Czechs declared the importance of food...

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New Head of Department of the Customer Management, at METRO Kereskedelmi Kft.

In August 2012 Malika Mansouri joined the Metro team as the Head of Customer Management. Malika has started her Metro career in Italy in 2004 as category manager, later as...

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Lidl opened its 153rd store in Hungary

Lidl opened its 153rd store in Hungary on August 16, Monday in Gödölő Hungary, under Ottó Ferenc street 2-4. The store awaits its customers on 1,286 square meters with a...

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ORGANIC-Store opens in the Market Hall of Pestszentlőrinc

On 18 August 2012 a ORGANIC-Store opens in the Lőrinci Market Hall of Pestszentlőrinc. At the opening ceremony organic producers will present their products and experts will talk the costumers...

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Ice Wine has become the official wine of the Savaria Historical Carnival

The official wine of this year’s Savaria Historical Carnival became an ice wine, made of riesling. The carnival’s wine was selected from 84 wine samples of 35 wineries of 12...

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IKEA opens cheap hotels

The company famous for its cheap DIY furnitures has decided to break into the property market with cheap hotels. About a hundred  hotels is planned to open across Europe –...

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VM: there will not be reverse VAT in the pig sector

The Ministry of Rural Development (VM) will not initiate the introduction of the reverse VAT in the pig sector. This decision was brought to light by the Ministry with the...

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KSH: agricultural producer price level rose in June by 1.5 percent

In June, the producer price of agricultural products grew by 1.5 percent, compared to a year earlier. While the price of crop products fell by 1.7 percent, the price of...

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Nestlé’s former CEO expects a further rise in global food prices

Food prices are expected to increase further all over the world – told Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Nestle chairman of the supervisory board, to an Austrian newspaper. After the food crisis of...

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The Nébih tested breads

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found deficiencies during the inspection of bakery products, serious food safety risk factors were not found – Nébih told MTI on Wednesday. The...

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The Szabolcsi apple-poppy cake became the cake of Hungary

The Szabolcsi apple-poppy cake won the the Cake of Hungary title this year, while the gooseberry sugar-free apple pie was chosen as the Best Sugar Free Cake of Hungary. The...

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Chains are opening small shops in Croatia

The Austrian Spar opens small shops in Croatia during the autumn. In Croatia sales continue to decrease. In June, Croats bought 5.1 percent less than a year earlier. After the...

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POPAI POP competition is on again!

It is the third time that the POPAI Awards POP competition takes place, juried within the compass Business Days 3 days conference: any POP-dice creator can compete for the prize....

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Magazine: Magic spot?

The ‘world of drinks’ keeps rediscovering soapstone from time to time, as every fifth year an enterprise appears on the market with ‘ice cubes’ made from this material. Now it...

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Retail sales have expanded in the U.S.A.

Retail sales increased in the United States by 0.8 percent in July, instead of the expected 0.2 percent – the U.S. Commerce Department announced. The increase in demand can be...

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A six-day long beer festival in Belgrade

The most popular pop-rock bands of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia and Macedonia will perform at the 10th Belgrade Beer Festival, which is the largest such event in South East Europe,...

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More than four million people were watching the live broadcast of the Sziget Festival on YouTube

The 20th anniversary Sziget Festival’s live coverage was watched by 4 million people on  YouTube. Outside of Hungary the live broadcast was the most popular in Belgium and in the...

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