Posts From trademagazin

Fruit Logistica is closing with a success in spite of the recession

Thirteen Hungarian exhibitors have given a wide picture of the groceries- and fruit production within the compass of the Fruit Logistica tradeshow in Berlin from 6th to 8th February. The...

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The local government of Pápa helps the Pápai Hús 1913 Kft. through its own company

As the local government cannot directly give loan to the company, as a shareholder it can give a support of 650 million HUF through its own company to the Pápai...

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Britain would suspend the importation of meat products from the EU

Anne McIntosh, president of the House of Food and Rural Affairs Committee told BBC radio on Sunday, that a moratorium should be introduced on all meat products of the EU...

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A decline occured in retail sales in Slovakia

Retail sales in Slovakia declined by 4 percent in last December on an annual basis – shows the analysis of UniCredit Bank, which was sent to MTI on Tuesday Retail...

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The thirteenth meat jelly festival of Miskolc is promoted in Budapest

The thirteenth Meat Jelly Festival of Miskolc promotes its program in Budapest at the City Park Ice Rink. The festival will be held on Saturday. The festival's guest of honor...

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The Chèque Déjeuner sues Hungary

The Hungarian government unilaterally changed the terms of issuing vouchers, from January 2012, thereby making the operation of the foreign social voucher issuers impossible – said the Chèque Déjeuner Group...

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Hotel Development in Nyíregyháza

The Nyíregyháza-based TIMPEX Kft. has developed its hotel with an investment of nearly 400 million HUF – Managing Director of the company told MTI. Tárbály István said that 45 percent...

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Strong brands, strong Hungary

On 10 January the Hungarian Brand Association held an extraordinary general assembly in the building of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (SZTNH), in order to introduce the results of the...

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Intelligent companies

According to Ernő Ferenc Jancsich, an expert with Xapt Kft. the food industry creates a great challenge for business management software in the fields of base material supply and production....

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Receipts and invoices

When we talk about cash register systems, we have to make an important distinction between cash registers and receipt printing systems – says Imre Mészöly, regional head of Citizen Systems....

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IT-audit: hardly known in Hungary, almost an obligatory routine abroad

Firms that have their IT systems audited from time to time can save significant amounts of money from their IT budget. Still, in Hungary one quarter of companies doesn’t use...

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Frozen barcodes

Barcodes and barcode-based identification, storage, transportation and logistics are all very important at Kedvenc JM Kft., a retailer and wholesaler of frozen meat and meat products. Informatics director Julianna Szauter...

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Soft drink and fruit juice consumption fell by 10 percent last year

Hungarian soft drink and fruit juice consumption decreased by 10 percent last year – the Association of Hungarian Soft Drinks, Juices and Mineral Water Manufacturers told MTI on Thursday. According...

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FruitVeB: the development of the fruit and vegetable sector can bring hundreds of thousands of new jobs

Hundreds of thousands of new jobs would be created through the development in the fruit and vegetable sector in the Hungarian agriculture Mártonffy Béla, chairman of the Hungarian Fruit and...

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Who will pay the ferryman?

The participants of the food chain put up this question literally in connection with the new toll payment system, planned from July. The broadening of the road toll system will...

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Production restarted in the meat plant in Gyula

Quality food production has a great future in Hungary, Fazekas Sándor Rural Development Minister said on Wednesday in Gyula, where he visited the meat plant with Budai Gyula, Minister of...

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Caloric values on food labels are inaccurate

Caloric values on food labels are inaccurate – state researchers, who are suggesting the revision of the currently used calorie calculation method. Previous studies have shown that the method of...

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Brandbank Hungary has been launched

The Brandbank, that was founded 14 years ago is present in several European countries has been launched in Hungary too at the end of last year. The company's main profile...

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Magazine: OK or KO: will Dairy Queen enter Hungary?

Dairy Queen didn’t give up its plan of entering Central Europe. Last October, when the company placed its partner seeking ad for the second time. The problem is that the...

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The horsemeat scandal in Britain goes on

The meat content of some beef lasagne products recalled by Findus was up to 100% horsemeat, the Food Standards Agency has said. Findus withdrew its beef lasagne from retailers in...

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EU budget summit opens hours late

EU leaders opened tough talks over a trillion-euro budget hours late Thursday amid sharp differences over spending cuts and investment for growth and jobs. The meeting got underway almost six...

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Fast Food Restaurant for Kids: Chuck E. Cheese’s targets Hungary

(HU) nchse-alapon...

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Wine Wandering in the Badacsony wine region

The Wine Wandering series of events of the Badacsonyi Céh Turisztikai Egyesület aims to promote Badacsony and its surroundings in order to reach that the popular summer holiday region to...

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Makó plans to build on multi-day tourism

The Hagymatikum bath complex in Makó expects more than 200 thousand guests in 2013. The complex has an annual 470 million HUF budget – Nagy Nándor the director of spa...

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Sió peach-apple

A new addition to our product range: one of the most popular flavours, peach. ‘100% fruit. Nothing else.’...

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Palette Salon Colors

When creating the 15 trend-setting colours, the Palette SALON COLORS professional colour pigment mixes were selected from numerous colour pigment combinations. Palette SALON COLORS came to life thanks to many...

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Ten billion HUF from Széchenyi Rest Card

At the moment, the Széchenyi Rest Card does not seem to be a success story. According to the datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) last year the revenues of...

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MagyarBrands, the brand value

The Superbrands Hungary Council and its heads felt the growing need for paying special attention to Hungarian products, so in 2010 they launched the MagyarBrands programme. MagyarBrands is a trade...

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Trends, whys and answers – part 8

Shopping and consumption are most useful if they help to uncover what lies behind the trends. With this knowledge more targeted market strategies can be developed. Just recently Irish firms...

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Smartphone for tracking shoppers

Fortinet and Euclid developed a new product called Euclid Zero: this system senses the MAC address of mobile phones and monitors it while the phone’s owner is in-store, collecting information...

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