Posts From trademagazin

Horse Meat Scandal – Suspicious canned beef in Romania

The marketing of the “Ardealul” beef cans was halted in Romania for the request of the manufacturer. It is suspicious that horse meat was among the ingredients – the Romanian...

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced a chef contest

In the scope of the chef contest, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was looking for chefs to four diplomatic missions. The winners of the Gastronomy and diplomacy contest will be...

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Magazine: Successful Wine Island

This year our sister magazine Bor és Piac (Wine and Market) organised its Wine Island at Hungexpo for the fourth time, this time as part of the Viticulture and Winemaking...

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Variations on VAT cut

The government will discuss the issue of reducing VAT on food products on 27 March. It seems tha the Minister for Rural Development, insists to the referral that was jointly...

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IVSZ: it is worth to replace the smaller cashiers

According to the prfession, all currently operating cashiers should be transformed into online cashiers, but it is not sure that is it worth – the release of IVSZ says. The...

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Tax exemption on the home distillation of pálinka was filed at the European Court of Justice

Tax exemption on the home distillation of pálinka was registered at the European Court of Justice. In the case, the European Commission has launched infringement proceedings against Hungary – the...

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Fruit trees are pruned at Tedej Group’s dairy farm

The prune of apple trees is completed, and the prune of sour cherry began at Tedej Group’s dairy farm – Bódi László, Tedej Group’s CEO told MTI. He told that...

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Four out of five cakes are locally baked at Auchan

The Auchan stores are waiting the costumers with extended range – for example, with spongy and salty cakes only available at Easter. Nowadays 80 percent of the cakes sold at...

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NAV is complicating the logging of cashiers

The new regulation of NAV has surprised the profession whith the details on how to submit electronic logs to the authority. According to experts this will be an another burden...

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The Ukrainians spend more on alcohol, cigarettes and illegal drugs than on clothing and shoes

According to the datas of the Ukrainian State Statistics Office published on Wednesday, the Ukrainians spent more on alcoholic beverages, tobacco and illegal drugs last year, than on clothes and...

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15th March is the international day of consumers

World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) is an annual international occasion. The day aims to enhance solidarity within the international consumer movement. March 15 gives us an opportunity to promote the...

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Unicum won gold medals at the World Spirits Competition

The Unicum and the Unicum Szilva (Unicum Plum) was awarded with gold medals at the World contest for high-quality distillates, at the World Spirits Award – the Company announced. At...

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Sausage Muster Festival at the Castle Garden in Gyula

The fourth International Sausage Festival begins on Saturday at the Castle Garden in Gyula. The event aims to promote and present smoked sausages and the making of them. Butcher plants...

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The Costes and the Onyx have retained their Michelin star

The Costes and Onyx Restaurants in Budapest have earned the Michelin one-star rating again. The world's most acclaimed gastronomic guide published its 2013 European edition on Thursday. The inspectors of...

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Immediate help by Coop

Throughout the terrible weather circumstances brought about by the snow-storm, Coop has offered immediate help to drivers on the roads in need, in strong co-operation with mayors of the villlages...

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Targetgroup: young, single, alcoholist, rude guys – Video of the day

This video demonstrates how to use the PubHunter mobile application, with the date of more than 1500 Hungarian pubs available....

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How long may the fast winds blow for the Hungarian meat industry?

Is this the nadir, or is it possible to screw more on the machine pressing the sector? – Éder Tamás president of the Meat Association gave this title of his...

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KSH: agri producer prices rose by 18.1 percent in January

In January, the agricultural producer prices rose by 18.1 percent, compared to the same period of last year – the Central Statistics Office announced on Wednesday. The data corresponds to...

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Fierce competition and a steep increase in e-commerce

More and more people choose online shopping instead of classical in Hungary – shows the comprehensive market analysis of Olcsó and UNAS involving more than 2,000 partners of webshops. 68...

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Magazine: We have been hit by inflation!

The next Restaurant Week is taking place between 18 and 24 March. 2010 was the first year of the programme in Hungary and by now the number of participating restaurants...

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The Hungarians like schnitzel and fried potatoes the most

Cottage cheese, stew, schnitzel and fried potatoes or pancakes? These are foods that the Hungarian housewives like to prepare. But which meal is on the table of the Hungarian families...

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Agricultural Conference: irrigation could increase grain yield

The annual 15 – 16 million domestic cereal production can be increased to 20 million tons per year with proper irrigation – Jakab István, Vice President of the National Assembly...

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Budapest Bank: 14 percent of the small businesses have loans

Currently, only 14 percent of the micro and small enterprises have loans. 46 percent of them has overdraft loans, 19 percent have Széchenyi Card Overdraft Loan, and 10 percent have...

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The Easter egg range satisfies all requirements in the Auchan

The Auchan supermarket chain awaits its costumers with uniquely wide range of eggs and fair prices. Based on the results of last year, this year more than one and a...

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U.S. retail sales rose in February

U.S. retail sales rose by 1.1 percent in February, above the expected 0.7 percent – the Ministry of Commerce announced. The owners of websops and construction department stores have experienced...

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Investigation was launched in Romania, due to contaminated turkey meat

Romanian authorities have initiated an investigation after turkey meat treated with antibiotics from Romania was found by German authorities in Germany. Vladimir Manastireanu, vice president of the Romanian Animal Health...

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GKI: An economic recovery plan, apart from a fairy tale

A blueprint of the government's actions for the 2014-2018 period. You can download the report from here....

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KSH: the guest traffic of commercial accommodations in January rose by 4.9 percent

In January, 9.8 percent more foreign tourists spent 8.3 percent more overnight stays in commercial accommodation than the year before. The number of domestic guests increased by 3.1, their guest...

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Hungarians purchase milk and bread more often than the European average

Most people considers the favorable price / performance ratio as the most important factor when buying milk, meat, poultry, and deli goods. The majority of the Hungarian costumers purchase meat,...

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GfK: mineral water is still a good business

The Hungarian population consumes mineral water several times a week, in practice it has become part of the daily diet. An average household is purchasing about 330 liters a year,...

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