Posts From trademagazin

The tax exemption of the homemade pálinka is contrary to the EU law

It is not compatible with the EU law, that Hungary allowed to cook up to 50 liters of fruit distillate a year with the exemption from excise duties – the...

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A Hungarian company will build Dr. Oetker’s factory in Serbia

The Hungarian-owned KÉSZ Group won an another major foreign mission. The KÉSZ Group can build the new Dr. Oetker’s factory in Serbia, 30 kiliometres from Belgrade. The total value of...

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Experts emphasize the importance of domestic fish consumption

The Hungarian Society on Obesity discusses the latest results on obesity in the scope of a Memorial Meeting and Technical Conference in Budapest on Friday and Saturday. The conference main...

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The logo of OÉTI can be found unauthorized on several dietary supplements

The logo of OÉTI can be found unauthorized on a number of dietary supplements – the National Public Health and Medical Officer Service drew the attention on Wednesday. According to...

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New Managing Director in the lead of the DHL Freight Magyarország

From 1 May 2014 Matisa Zoltán takes over the executive functions at the DHL Freight Magyarország, which is one of Europe's leading road transport company. The former head of the...

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Enterprises employing more women are more profitable too

The latest survey by Regus found that companies that don’t employ women with small children suffer a competitive disadvantage. According to the study, 79 percent of Hungarian firms also agree...

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Radical changes are coming in transfer pricing requirements

OECD’s new discussion draft on transfer pricing documentation may bring radical changes in the everyday work of companies. The planned regulation is even stricter than the current Hungarian practice. According...

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NGM: tourism expansion in the beginning of the year is a cause for optimism

According to the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) the first two monthly tourism data is a cause for optimism for this year. The guest traffic datas of the commercial accommodations...

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Magazine: Sales were stable in grocery retail in the last 12 months

According to the Nielsen Retail Index, grocery retail sales amounted to HUF 1,404 billion between February 2013 and January 2014 in the 90 categories audited. Value sales were the same...

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50m² and smaller

On 1 January 2013 Nielsen counted 10,765 stores in this channel. Their value share from sales of the 90 grocery categories audited by Nielsen was 9 percent in February 2013-January...

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Household chemicals and cosmetics: value sales up, volume sales down

2013 brought a HUF 310-billion turnover in household chemicals and cosmetics retail. Sales were up 1 percent in terms of value but they dropped 3 percent in terms of volume....

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Hungary’s first ‘chocolate courier’ website launched

A new service from webshop: home delivery of 200 different types of chocolate, on the day of order in Újbuda (Budapest’s 11th district) and within two days anywhere in...

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According to analysts, the domestic demand is slowly picking up

Market analysts said that the domestic consumption and the expected recovery of investments can bring the major expansion of imports. In parallel the trade surplus may decline but only from...

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Increased consumer protection controls before Easter

The National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) carries out increased controls before Easter – the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) told MTI on Wednesday. According to the communication of the National...

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The duty-free Ukrainian poultry may bring further price reduction

Poultry and egg producers are afraid of an even more significant price decline, after the European Union would like to make the Ukrainian agricultural goods duty free in the EU...

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The fruit and vegetable shop of the future has been opened in Szeged

After several years of preparation, the fruit and vegetable shop of the future, the country’s first Vitamin Saloon opened its doors in Szeged on 26 March 2014. The Vitamin Saloon...

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Auchan: Easter hits are peasant ham, cakes and quality chocolate

In the Easter offering of the Auchan stores the customers can find their favorites: trraditional matured peasant ham, quality milk and dark chocolate Easter figurines and the popular Easter savory...

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Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország: new head of communications

From the beginning of the year, the former director of communications and corporate relations, Pogány Éda Glória became the sustainability communications director of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company group of...

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The low-calorie sweeteners are important for a healthy diet

The 2nd conference of the International Sweeteners Association (ISA) in Brussels was dealing with the role of the low-calorie sweeteners in the fight against the growing obesity epidemic and against...

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Green Seed Festival: green family weekend on the Andrássy Avenue

The two-day long free Green Seed Festival is waiting for the families on 12 and 13 April in the MagNet Community House on the Andrássy Avenue. The event is unique...

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The number of Chinese tourists may increase further

Most of the tourists can come to abroad from China this year, the country can give the fifth of the world’s toursist within ten years and the Chinese travelers are...

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January brought 13.4 percent lower production prices in agriculture

In January 2014 agricultural production prices dropped 13.4 percent from the level of January 2013. The price of vegetable products was down 19.6 percent and the price of livestock/products of...

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Magazine: There is less apple in the market, but it is cheaper

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute’s (AKI) market price information system (PÁIR) reveal that the production price of wheat was HUF 53,000 in January 2014, 23 percent less than...

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Online retail expansion reaches Hungary

In 2013 Hungary’s retail turnover neared HUF 7,000 billon in value, from which online retail’s share is estimated to be HUF 200-220 billion. This share represents more than 3 percent...

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Gross average wage was 230,700 forints

Compared with the same period a year earlier, gross wages were up 3.4 percent at enterprises employing at least 5 people, budgetary institutions and observed non-profit organisations in January-December 2013....

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Inflation growth was minimal in February

In February 2014 consumer prices were 0.1 percent higher than one year ago. Compared with January 2014, consumer prices rose by 0.1 percent on average. Groceries cost 0.2 percent more...

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Growth at last – but with question marks

According to GKI Economic Research, the pre-election economic policy might vitalise the economy in the short term but doesn’t create the lasting basis of growth, because it fails to restore...

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Food retail: 310 billion HUF turnover from household chemicals and cosmetics

Between March 2013 and February 2014, the food retail carried out a 310 billion HUF worth turnover from household chemicals and cosmetics, 2 percent more than a year earlier. In...

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The Ministry of Rural Development stimulates the Hungarian pork consumption with trademarks

With the introduction of the High Quality Pork (KMS), the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) is trying to support the increase of the domestic pig population and domestic consumption of...

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The strawberry can be cheaper this year

The Hungarian strawberries may occur earlier in the domestic market, due to the favorable weather so the domestic crop can cross the way of imports – Mártonffy Béla, the president...

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