Posts From trademagazin

New Hungarian trading houses open in Asia

The Hungarian National Trading House Zrt. (MNKH) opened a new trading house in Laos on 17 June and another in Vietnam on 19 June. There are already 11 trading houses...

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Cosmetics and household chemical sales increased in volume

Favorable trends occurred this year in the domestic food retailing and in the sales of household chemicals and cosmetics. During the first half of the year, the turnover of this...

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The cash register should be accelerated to double speed

The regulation of the Ministry of National Economy stirred up the standing water on the cash register market. According to the regulation, after 31 August only online cash registers can...

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Apple Marketing Board: the hugest yield of the last ten years is expected

Due to the early spring the weather, the biggest apple harvest of the past ten years is expected in Hungary – the President of the Apple Marketing Board in Újfehértó...

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GKI: gradual slowdown in economic growth is expected

According to the forecast of the GKI Economic Research Co. the economic growth will slow down compared to the first quarter’s 3.5 percent GDP growth rate. For the whole year...

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The breakdown of a cash register means high administrative workload

If an online cash register breaks down, a a replacement machine must be set in place and the service should install a replacement cash machine within eight days. The problem...

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Magazine: China Smart Expo got considerably bigger this year

Exhibitors and government delegations from two Chinese provinces came to China Smart Expo 2014. The six-day exhibition, trade fair and conference was held between 12-14 June and 16-18 June 2014...

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Cider machines nationwide

Hungary's trendiest Cider has launched an unusual campaign: the compny is placing huge cider machines nationwide to raise awareness of quality and naturalness. Every bottles of Strongbow contain fruit in...

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Lecsó Spritzer Picnic this weekend in Budapest

More than thirty kinds of lecsos and matching spritzers as well as vodka, whiskey and beer based spritzers will await for the visitors at the Lecsó Spritzer Picnic between 8...

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Polish agriculture may recive EU help

Poland may receive help from the EU, because Russia banned Polish fruit and vegetables imports due to the economic sanctions – the Der Spiegel wrote. The Sunday edition of the...

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Romanian retail sales increased by more than 8 percent

The Romanian retail sales increased by 8.6 percent in the first half of this year – according to the unadjusted values, compared to the same period of the last year...

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The NAV has launched a comprehensive inspection in catering units in Budapest

The National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) has launched a comprehensive inspection in catering units in Budapest. The NAV has launched a 24-hour control at catering units in the frequented...

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Lake Velence’s Gate

In a 21st-century environment the food on offer is typically 20th-century. What we get is the usual ‘beach food’: hake, fried sausage, pancake and hamburger are sold at practically each...

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Lake Velence’s Gate

In a 21st-century environment the food on offer is typically 20th-century. What we get is the usual ‘beach food’: hake, fried sausage, pancake and hamburger are sold at practically each...

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Bating in the sink – Absurd of the day

Wendy's employees photographed bathing in restaurant sink ….. that they were starting to smell and that they should wash themselves....

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Ladies first

TCC, the host of the ‘Building Shopper Engagement’ conference invited Kjell Nordstrom to be one of the speakers. The author of the book ‘Funky Business’ and university professor lives in...

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31 August is the last day of the cash register replacement

After 31 August the entrepreneurs can only use online cash machines – the Ministry of National Economy said, after the the Cash Register Working Committee agreed about the final deadline...

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FruitVeB the Hungarian operators must also comply with the Russian embargo

The FuitVeB Vegetable and Fruit Interprofessional Organisation warns that the Hungarian branch operators must also comply with the Russian embargo on Polish fruit and vegetables, otherwise they risk that the...

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The OKSZ supports the new deadline and considers it feasible

The National Retail Federation (OKSZ) supports the new deadline for the online cash register replacement and considers the deadline feasible. The Ministry of National Economy (NGM), after the Thursday meeting...

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KSH: import increasing more rapidly the exports for the third month

The value of Hungarian exports calculated in euros grew by 2.3 percent in May, while imports increased with 3.7 percent, compared to the same month of the last year. The...

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The Chio gave wheat to the Bread of the Hungarians

This year, more than six tons of wheat was offered by farmers, municipalities, corporations, public figures in Győr-Moson-Sopron county to the Bread of the Hungarians initiative. The Bread of the...

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Hungarikum festival was opened in Szeged

The Hungarikum culture festival showing the values of the Quality Hungarian food products, traditional crafts was opened on Thursday in Szeged. Szakáli István Loránd Deputy Minister of State responsible for...

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Food consumption reduced in the Czech Republic last year

On an annual level food consumption in the Czech Republic declined by 1.6 percent last year – turns out from the report on the state of agriculture last year in...

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Magazin: Major league catering – Part 3

Participants of MVI and Coninvest Kft.’s study trip to Munich visited the well-organised kitchen of Profimiet’s biggest German partner, Kaefer Catering. The 2,000m² kitchen is equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and...

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South China police found several tons of melamine-contaminated candies

Chinese police have seized almost 20 tonnes of candies tainted with melamine, state media said on Thursday, an industrial chemical at the centre of a scandal in 2008 in which...

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The baths in Hungary received 31 million visitors last year

Last year, Hungary’s 200 major spas received about 31 million visitors. The developments of the spas will be continued in the following EU budget cycle as well – the Deputy...

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The government devotes an increasing role to tourism

The investments promoting tourism are continuing in Budapest as well as in the rural areas. The government aims to make the sector more powerful to an even greater contribution to...

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Quality Hungarian Pork (KMS) Trademark: the absolute best in quality assurance

Last year the Ministry for Rural Development announced the introduction of the Quality Hungarian Pork (KMS) Trademark. The trademark and the quality assurance system behind it were developed and are...

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Revenge of the piglet – Absurd of the day

A Canadian man could end up in the pokey – for tossing a piggy in the trash. According to Ontario Provincial Police, Dennis Summers brought a piglet into a restaurant...

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FruitVeB: it is vital that the Russian market to remain open

The president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI on Thursday that it is vital to the Hungarian fruit and vegetables that the Russian market to...

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