Posts From trademagazin

Magazine: This is the fresh casual style

Fresh casual. This is how the founders of LYFE Kitchen restaurants categorise the new places. Who are these founders? Well, they used to work in ­McDonald’s management and this time...

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Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedőház Zrt. enters the market of eating apples and apple concentrates

The Magyar Nemzeti Kereskedőház Zrt. (Hungarian National Trading House)was established in 2013 with the goal to coordinate the domestic export activities – mainly in the small and medium enterprise sector,...

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Wine excellences in the Auchan

Dr. Fazekas Sándor Minister of Agriculture opened the Auchan supermarket chain’s wine fair. The visitors of the fair can meet with the excellent domestic wines on discount prices. that can...

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The Tesco Shopping Online team offers new opportunities for job seekers

The Tesco is expanding its The Tesco Shopping Online team. One can join to the team, started in 2013 in shopping and delivery assistant positions as well. In March 2013,...

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The COOP received MAF’s special prize

The Hungarian Donors Forum (MAF), this year also awarded the domestic companies that have the most innovative, most successfully cooperating partnership and have support programs with the greatest impact. The...

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Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. increases the tariff for the quality of the grape

The Tokaj Kereskedőház Zrt. intends to encourage the producers to sort and deliver good quality grapes with a 50-60 HUF prices increase. The wet weather of the recent months at...

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Vénusz Napföl: the soft harmony of domestic flavors

The more than 62-years-old traditional Hungarian brand, the Vénusz surprises the housewives with a real novelty this year. The Vénusz Napföl’s authentic domestic taste should not be missing from the...

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Whisk(e)ys on top

The International Wines and Spirits Record (IWSR) has ranked the world's best distillates again. The Jack Daniel's finished tied for first place. The American whiskey came forward from last year's...

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Throw less food into the trash!

A lot accumulated surplus food ends in the trasher all around the world, including Hungary. The millions of tons of high-quality food could reduce the number of hungry people. In...

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An EXIM representation was opened in Nagykanizsa

EXIM’s West Transdanubian representation, supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade was opened in Nagykanizsa. In accordance with the Hungarian government’s export promotion strategy, the goal is...

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One million visitors in the national parks

Increasing interest can be detected towards eco-tourism showing nature values. In 10 National Parks of Hungary and in other protected areas 1.4 million domestic and foreign tourists are expected to...

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Chef, with a bionic hand – Video of the day

Eduardo Garcia returns to the kitchen after receiving his new prosthetic hand. KPTV reports....

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Pécsi Brewery’s products

Pécsi Brewery’s products are put in 0.33-litre bottles for the HoReCa segment....

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Mizo puding

Mizo put new products on the market in three categories, shoppers can already find MizoCreamAdventure Puddings, Greek Yogurts and Fruit Yogurts in stores. Pudding: 82-percent whole milk content, made using...

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Hungarian SMEs in talks about business opportunities in Kazakhstan

About 60 Hungarian businesses participated in the Kazakh-Hungarian businessmen’s forum organised by Hungarian National Trading House Zrt. (MNKH). A 17-person delegation came from South Kazakhstan looking for business partners in...

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Corporate trust is on pre-crisis level again

The confidence of the world’s corporate leaders is on pre-crisis again: 40 percent of the companies are planning acquisitions and the value of corporate acquisitions and sales (M&A) can reach...

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Magazine: Someone who already teaches the trade

Ákos Kolos Bardóczy, the owner of two hospitality consultant enterprises was elected member of MVI’s (Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs) management. He told our magazine he sees the problems in Hungary’s...

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Hungarians do not like to pay with card abroad

In the first half of this year, Hungarian visitors used their banking cards abroad only 5.57 million times in the, which is almost a fifth less than in 2013 –...

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The SPAR opened two new private merchant partner stores on 9 October

The SPAR opened its two new private merchant partner stores in Tát and in Budapest on the Szent László Road, so the number of the SPAR private merchant partner units...

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The Tobii and the ETresearch are testing a world novelty together

The ETresearch as the partner of Tobii could test the new generation eye camera the the Glasses 2 among the first on 2 October. The new device, in addition to...

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The Future of Our Region program was launched in Kaposvár

The Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 aims to implement a new rural development policy. The central elements of the programme is to stop the rural exodus, to create conditions that are...

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MNB: more than 400 billions of contracting in the second phase of the loan growth program

The credit institutions that are participating in the second phase of the loan growth program concluded contracts with enterprises in an amount of 402.7 billion HUF. According to the datas,...

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Cofidis: Hungary performs better

The customers are the most satisfied with the Cofidis services in Hungary – according to the company's international prospecting carried out on more than 11,000 respondents. The respondents said that...

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The UPC Direct opens towards the hotel industry

The UPC Direct presented its hotel TV service to hotel industry professionals at the Tourism Business Breakfast professional event of the Turizmus Panoráma. The high quality, customized service is available...

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KSH: the turnover of the commercial accommodations increased by 3.8 percent in August

In August, 4.3 percent more foreign tourists spent 1.2 percent more guest nights at commercial accommodations in Hungary than the year before. The number of domestic tourists increased by 8.0...

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The tourism of Győr doubled over a five-year period

The number of guest nights has doubled in Győr in the past five years – according to the statistics. Due to the development hotels would be needed to expanded –...

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We tend to eat more if we see fat people?

Most people will say we get fat because we eat too much and exercise too little. A surplus of energy = fat gain. If calories-in out number calories-out, we get...

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Focusing on protection from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun

Focusing on protection from the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun, Himalaya Herbals developed its latest Himalaya Herbals sunscreen SPF 30 lip balm, a specially formulated product with...

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NÖM AG’s Good Milk product family welcomes a new member!

NÖM AG’s Good Milk product family welcomes a new member! Available in a bigger, 750g bottle decorated with strawberries, this new yogurt drink fills a market niche....

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