Robots may take over the burden of housework in the future

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 07. 14. 12:54

Zewa is committed to creating a world in which equal opportunities are provided for everyone, and this aspiration is also to be implemented in the division of labor at home. In the spirit of this, Gondoskodni Együtt Jó! in his campaign. As part of the initiative, the brand engaged in a dialogue with the currently most popular and most advanced artificial intelligence about the distribution of household tasks.

Zewa, a reliable helper in the field of home care for decades, Care Together is Good! program’s main message is that care is a joyful activity that is also one of the important pillars of creating family balance. The tradition of unequal division of tasks within the family, which developed throughout history, is still present in our lives today. In her conference volume published in 2017, Csilla Sebők, an expert from the Social Statistics Department of the KSH, notes that segregation still exists in the field of housework, i.e. there are still types of tasks that are typically only performed by women.[1] However, the good news is that many of us are more and more inclined to move this way of evaluation in the direction of complete harmony. Zewa believes that more equal opportunities can create a more equal world. We have to start this change at home by having every family member do their part in the housework.

The video made in the framework of the program can be viewed here:

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