Due to the arsenic content, Nébih does not recommend the consumption of fish caught from Sajó

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 30. 08:13

Based on the available information and laboratory tests, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) does not recommend the consumption of fish caught from Sajó, Nébih announced on its website.

According to the information, there is no acute risk, and the results are also negative for toxic heavy metals regulated by limit values. However, due to the arsenic content detected in the examined fish, caution is justified.

The North Hungarian Fishing Association drew Nébih’s attention to the social media news that the Slovak authorities have banned the consumption of fish caught from Sajó due to arsenic contamination.

Nébih immediately contacted the Slovak authority responsible for food control, and then took samples from herbivorous and predatory fish from the part of the Sajó near the border in order to examine the presence of toxic heavy metals.

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