AKI: Hungarian farmers increased their machinery purchases by 80 percent

By: STA Date: 2022. 09. 14. 09:20

Individual farms and social enterprises bought HUF 165.5 billion worth of new agricultural machines and tools in the first half of this year, which was 80 percent more than a year earlier, the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet (AKI) wrote in the first half-year statistics sent to MTI in its meaning.

Efficient work requires serious power machines (Photo: Pixabay)

According to AKI data, farmers spent HUF 42.5 billion on parts in the first six months, which is a 22 percent increase compared to the base period. Within the machine market, power machines were the dominant ones with a share of 62 percent, while work machines and other machines accounted for 38 percent of distribution. Within the total sales, tractors represented 34 percent and grain harvesters 16 percent, they explained. According to the institute, technological modernization is taking place in domestic agriculture, and the development of agricultural machinery sales has been showing dynamic growth for years. Last year, the turnover of agricultural machinery and spare parts exceeded HUF 300 billion, which was a record. They pointed out that further developments are forced by the maintenance of competitiveness, the increasingly strict requirements of food and food safety, as well as environmental and climatic challenges.

The available subsidies also help the implementation of the investments – they added

The tender for transitioning to precision farming has a major role in the expansion of the agricultural machinery market; accordingly, the demand for the power machines of precision farming, such as tractors, combines and sprayers, has increased significantly. They indicated that there is continuous uncertainty in both the supply of machinery and spare parts, which makes investment planning and development difficult. The biggest problem is caused by the multiple price increases by manufacturers within the year and the unpredictability of delivery deadlines. Unpredictability is further aggravated by the situation in Ukraine, investments must be thought of very far in advance – they warned.

The data collection was comprehensive, the report was prepared based on the sales reports of 170 agricultural machinery distributors and manufacturers, the institute announced.


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