Ministry of Agriculture: the Hungarian food industry is developing based on good European examples

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 05. 22. 12:35

After the decline following the regime change, the domestic food industry must be strengthened again. The government will allocate 750 billion forints of the approximately 1,500 billion forints in tender funds available for the development of the sector – according to a statement from the Ministry of Agriculture, Márton Nobilis, State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade policy, said on Wednesday at the AgroFood 2024 food industry conference in Kecskemét.

The state secretary emphasized that the resources announced in the Strategic Plan of the Common Agricultural Policy (KAP) will determine the next 30 years of the domestic food industry. The country’s lagging behind can be caught up with modernization and digital developments, a high level of processing must be strived for during food production, and the advantages of vertical integration can strengthen production security, he added.

The state secretary announced that the ministry plans to issue new calls in two rounds. The first tenders will be announced during the summer, and further calls are expected next year.

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