Hungarian honey producers are worried

By: Trademagazin Date: 2023. 09. 29. 11:59

In addition to selling honey, the main task of bees is to maintain biodiversity and support the ecosystem. The minister emphasized that bees are indispensable in preserving the health of our natural environment and agriculture – emphasized István Nagy, Minister of Agriculture, at the Autumn Fair and Nectary Honey Festival.

The Minister of Agriculture spoke about the dependence on honey imports affecting the European Union, which brings with it a flood of cheap artificial honey and Ukrainian honey instead of high-quality, but more expensive honey. The solution could be a new regulation, according to which the composition of the honey must be indicated on the labels in addition to the country of origin. This can increase consumer confidence and allow for easier identification of quality honey.

In response to the sales problems, beekeeping producers and interest representation bodies jointly realized that cooperation between producers and alternative beekeeping products, which enrich the gastronomic offer, can help the development of the honey sector. In addition, creating the possibility of joint packaging, packaging and distribution of honey is also an objective.