Milkmen Kft. and SZTE are developing a system that supports the work of dairy farms

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 10. 02. 11:51

Milkmen Földesi Tejtermelő Kft. and the University of Szeged (SZTE) are developing a system that enables the work of dairy farms, the rapid isolation of sick individuals, and the optimization of husbandry technology elements, the dean of the university’s agricultural faculty announced on Wednesday.

At the press conference presenting the project, Edit Mikó said that the support of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office covers HUF 429 million of the costs of the almost HUF 600 million project, which will be implemented until the spring of 2026 with the cooperation of the University of Debrecen.

Holstein-Friesian cattle, the most common breed in the world, with extraordinary production parameters, are the most commonly bred cattle in domestic dairy farms. However, this outstanding genetic potential is associated with a high degree of sensitivity and environmental demands. The prevention of herd-level diseases, the provision of feed that satisfies the production potential and the right environment are the basis of economic production.

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