Most parents spend thousands of forints on Easter gifts

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2019. 04. 12. 11:08

One third of the Hungarian parents are expected to spend over 5,000 forints, a quarter of them 3,000-5,000, one fifth of them 2,000-3,000 forints for their child’s Easter this year – according to the survey of Regio Játékkereskedelmi Kft. (Regio Toy Trading Ltd.) sent to MTI.

Most of the respondents would buy creative and developmental games, outdoor games, sports goods this year, and construction and board games, small cars, are popular as well – Gyaraki Dávid, Marketing Manager of Regio Játék told. He added that the spring sales wave typically culminated during Easter; April this year. The spring season accounts for around 20 percent of annual sales. (MTI)