Pöttyös 10Pontos takes part in the SIAL d'Or
The Pöttyös 10Pontos will represent Hungary on the product Oscar competition, the SIAL d'Or. At the Hungarian competition of SIAL d'Or the Pöttyös 10Pontos won the first prize of the professional jury, in the category of dairy products.
The most prestigious competition for food products is the SIAL d'Or, held in every second years in Paris. This year, at the Foodapest fair on the Hungarian round of the competition, 64 products competed in 9 categories for the international participation.
"We are proud that Pöttyös 10Pontos gained the first prize and has the chance for the grand prize in Paris"- said Nagy István, brand manager of Pöttyös.
From Hungary, only Trade magazin got place in the international jury, of the SIAL d'Or competition.
With the assistance of Trade magazin the nine category winners can compete in May, for the Global SIAL d'Or prize. One thing is certain, we should wait for the results, since the second round will take place in October. "Support together to achieve the best ranking" – added the Manager.