Traceability can’t be avoided – become its expert!

By: Tisza Andrea Date: 2019. 09. 20. 11:22

You do know that the product you are selling represents high quality, but how can you prove this to your future business partners and customers? The only credible way for this all over the world is: tracking.

Our exclusive Hungarian EOQ MNB accredited training will be organised twice this autumn (25 September and 3 November), and those who successfully complete the programme will become GS1 traceability experts.

The knowledge participants can get is based on international experience and real-life practices, and it can help them support their own business or other companies in building efficient traceability systems.

The training programme is tailored to the needs of those working in the agri-food and fresh product sectors.

Speakers will include experts from the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH), the Ministry of Agriculture and our international service provider partners, to make sure that participants learn about the top technologies of today.

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