60% Of Men Drink Alcohol To Cope, Notes Drinkaware

By: Trademagazin editor Date: 2023. 06. 16. 09:40

Some 60% of men drink alcohol to cope, according to Drinkaware’s Annual Barometer for 2022.

According to the charity working to reduce and prevent the misuse of alcohol, men are drinking to cope, including to help with feelings of anxiety, depression or stress.

Men (59%) were also more likely to drink alone at home than women (49%), the data showed.

Less Aware

When researching awareness of alcohol-related harms, the 2022 Drinkaware Barometer found that, in most cases, men are less aware of alcohol-related harms than women.

One third of men are not aware that alcohol can cause disturbed sleep and headaches, while only half of men are aware that alcohol can contribute to the risk of foetal disorders, compared to three quarters of women.

Some 57% of men were, however, aware that alcohol can reduce sports performance, compared to 49% of women.

Average Age For First Drink

Men are also trying alcohol for the first time at a younger age than women, with the average age of their first drink being 15.3 years, compared to 16.3 years for women, the Barometer indicated.

This is significant, as people who drink alcohol at or before the age of 15 years are four times more likely to develop an alcohol dependence, noted Drinkaware.

Drinkaware.ie contains a wealth of free resources for anyone who is looking for information, advice or tips for healthier coping strategies that don’t involve alcohol.


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