NAK and MAGOSZ declare permanent water shortage period

By: STA Date: 2025. 03. 18. 10:30

Following the initiative of the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Circles and Cooperatives, the Minister of Energy declared a permanent water shortage period for the entire country, starting on March 1.

(Photo: Pixabay)

During the permanent water shortage period, it is possible to use water for value-saving irrigation purposes for 30 days without a water right permit, for which only a farmer’s notification is required. In addition, no water resource contribution is required. All this contributes to mitigating the effects of the expected dry spring period this year through proper water management. Based on the hydrometeorological conditions and forecasts, the National Chamber of Agriculture and the Association of Hungarian Farmers’ Circles and Cooperatives (MAGOSZ) initiated the declaration of a permanent water shortage period at the Ministry of Energy. Subsequently, the Minister of Energy ordered the declaration of a permanent water shortage period starting from March 1, 2025.

The weather on our continent is currently determined by a vast anticyclone

As a result, the weather is much drier than usual throughout Europe, but especially in most of Central and Eastern Europe. The drought situation in our country is even greater than in February, which was severely droughty in 2022. The entire Adriatic region is affected by drought, which is significant because most of the precipitation usually comes from here to our country. Drought also hit our eastern and northern neighbors in February, which was not typical there in recent years. In our country, the winter water supply period from October to March was much drier than average, with nearly 50% less precipitation in December, nearly 35% in January, and 50% less in February than the long-term average. Although the amount of precipitation that has fallen in recent days has been satisfactory, it should not be overlooked that a week’s rainfall cannot compensate for the significant water shortage in the watershed. The Carpathian Basin is warming 20% ​​faster than other regions of Europe, the number of hot days has increased radically in recent years, so evaporation losses are enormous. Surface water flows are decreasing, especially in the Great Plain, where 30% of the Tisza’s water flow is missing, and replenishment is also lacking, since there is very little snow in the Danube watershed and practically none in the Tisza watershed.

Due to all of this, MAGOSZ and NAK initiated the declaration of a water shortage period earlier than usual

During the declared period of permanent water shortage, based on the notification of the water user, extraordinary water use for irrigation purposes is possible for 30 days without a water right permit, the introduction of this option was also advocated by NAK and MAGOSZ in 2019. Extraordinary water use for irrigation purposes is the application of a maximum of 120 mm/hectare (1200 m³/hectare) of water directly from surface water, with a temporary pump stop, to an area not exceeding 100 hectares for irrigation purposes, for a maximum period of one month without interruption. For extraordinary water use for irrigation purposes, the consent of the surface water manager affected by the water withdrawal must first be obtained, for which a data form must be filled out. The request for the Trustee’s consent must be submitted to the territorially competent water management directorates.


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