A third of employees are worried about the livelihood crisis

By: Trademagazin Date: 2022. 10. 19. 09:22

Companies not only have to deal with rampant inflation and skyrocketing utility bills in the deteriorating economic environment, but they also have to pay more attention to their employees than before.

The WHC Group and 3rdGEN entered into a strategic partnership

According to an international research, a third of workers identified the livelihood crisis as the main source of stress outside the workplace. Those companies that have a timeless business strategy, a sufficiently strong organizational culture and are able to retain their key employees can emerge victorious from the difficult period ahead. One of Hungary’s leading labor service providers, the WHC Group, has therefore entered into a strategic partnership with the 3rdGEN corporate consulting company in order to jointly support domestic companies.

In the current deteriorating and extremely volatile economic environment, workplace well-being and employee satisfaction are valued. Ensuring that employees feel safe, valued and motivated must become a priority for companies. Managers play a significant role in all of this, and how they can transparently convey the company’s messages and values ​​to employees. This is especially true in the current crisis situation, which places heavy burdens on employees who are finding it increasingly difficult to get by.

WHC Csoport