Mercedes-Benz Hungária Kft. closed its best year since the crisis

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 05. 21. 11:35

• The increase in 2014 in the passenger car segment was 18.7% overall, while in the light truck segment a 13.7% increase was achieved.

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• The sale of spare parts, the so called after sales segment the company was able to grow further.

• 5 new models were introduced to the market in 2014. In 2015 the introduction of new models are expected.

• The first quarter of 2015 is a huge succes not only in the history of Daimler, but in the life of Mercedes-Benz Hungária Kft. as well. The Hungarian importer in the first two months of the year reached the highest ranking, the “Market of the Month” title within the Daimler company, which means that the Mercedes-Benz Hungária Kft. has become the most successful Mercedes-Benz importer of January and February in the whole world.