The Mecsek has become Hungary’s top gastronomic destination

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 09. 29. 10:47

The Mecsek Greenway Association (Mecsek Zöldút Egyesület) won the “Tastiest Guest Welcoming Destination of Hungary” award with its selection based on local gastronomy – Magyar Turizmus Zrt. (Hungarian National Tourist Office) informed MTI on Saturday.


According to the communication, each year, an excellent destination is chosen within in evwery member state within the European Commission’s (EC) new European Destinations of Excellence tender, which among other things, will get promotional and technical support. An important objective of high quality, but also lesser-known tourist destinations in promoting and enhancing the specific target areas operating in the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises as well – read on for information. (MTI)