Beef exports decreased by nearly 20 percent

By: STA Date: 2024. 07. 17. 10:00

US beef and veal exports in the first five months of 2024 were 4.9 percent lower than in the same period last year. The export of live cattle increased by 5.2 percent in the period under review, and 9.1 percent more live animals went to the main target market, Canada. US beef and veal imports increased by 19.5 percent and live cattle imports by 18.7 percent at the same time.

According to data from the Brazilian Beef Exporters Association (ABIEC), Brazil’s beef exports were 1 million 74 thousand tons in the first five months of 2024, which represented a 34.4 percent increase compared to the January-May volume of last year. 472.5 thousand tons of Brazilian beef went to China, which is 25.4 percent more than the volume delivered in January-May 2023. Based on KSH data, Hungary’s live cattle exports increased by 13.2 percent (24.9 thousand tons), and their value increased by 8.4 percent in January-April 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The main partners were Kosovo, Croatia, Austria, Turkey and Poland. Hungary’s live cattle imports increased by 14.4 percent to 7.4 thousand tons and their value by 18.1 percent. More than half of the live cattle came from Denmark, Germany and Italy. The volume of beef exports decreased by 18.8 percent (2.8 thousand tons) and the value by 19.9 percent. The volume of beef imports increased by 13.7 percent (4.4 thousand tons) and the value by 6 percent in the observed period.


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