Polish agriculture and agri-food trade
In 2010 an agricultural census was implemented in Poland, which revealed that the number of farms reduced by more than 300,000 in the last eight years. Farms with land smaller than 5 hectares disappeared in the highest numbers, while the above-50-hectares segment expanded the most. Agricultural production shows an increased level of specialisation and government programmes also resulted in a generation change among farmers. All the changes mentioned above contribute to more cost efficient production and more marketable Polish agricultural products. Agri-tourism also changed the country and has great potential for further development. Poland was the only country in the region to preserve the dominant role of small and medium-sized farms and the traditions of country life. Agri-tourism has been developing dynamically in the last decade, at the same time also giving a boost to the manufacturing of quality regional and traditional products, horse riding, hiking, cycling, angling, collecting wild plants in the woods and to participating in traditional local feasts and celebrations. Poland’s trade balance is in the positive with EUR 2.5 billion, with sales going above the EUR 14 billion value. What is more, the domestic market is still dominated by Polish products. Poland is the second biggest import source of food products for Hungary (after Germany), in the value of EUR 384.2 million in the first nine months of 2011. If you would like to learn more about cooperating with Polish partners, do not hesitate to visit our stand at Foodapest, where the business proposals of many Polish companies can be found – jut like on our website. More information is available at www.budapest.trade.gov.pl
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