The Polish government has adopted a farmer support package

By: STA Date: 2023. 04. 21. 10:30

The Polish government adopted a package to help farmers on Friday, according to which, among other things, additional support will be paid to the purchase price of cereals and a partial refund of the excise tax on fuels.

(Photo: Pixabay)

Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced at the press conference following the government meeting: according to the package consisting of several government decrees and a draft law, the amount that will be reimbursed to farmers for the from the excise duty on diesel oil. In addition, the government is asking for the approval of the European Commission in order to increase the subsidies for diesel oil per liter to producers by an additional 0.54 zlotys (44.3 forints).

This is how they support local farmers

Farmers with less than 300 hectares of farmland who sell wheat between April 15 and June 15 will receive a subsidy of 1,400 zlotys (115,000 HUF) per ton. Subsidies are also paid for other cereals and the reduced price of fertilizer is maintained. The aim of the subsidy provided after the grain sold is to enable farmers to empty their warehouses before the summer harvest. The support package worth a total of approximately 10 billion zlotys (821 billion forints) is covered by the Polish state budget.

The support package was announced last Saturday by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the president of the Law and Justice party leading the Polish government coalition

Warsaw temporarily banned the import of agricultural products from Ukraine that day. The import ban is still valid, but as of Friday, according to the Polish-Ukrainian agreement signed on Tuesday, the transit of Ukrainian agricultural products became possible again. However, among others, shipments to Polish Baltic Sea ports will be admitted from Ukraine under stricter conditions than before. Cargoes are sealed and electronically tracked.