The Polish government called on Brussels to extend the ban on the import of Ukrainian cereals
In its decision adopted on Tuesday, the Polish government called on the European Commission (EC) to extend the import ban on Ukrainian cereals, which expires on September 15, the Warsaw Prime Minister’s Office announced on its website.

(Photo: Pixabay)
The decision refers to the extension of the ban on the import of Ukrainian wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower seeds. The government also calls for the EC to take immediate steps to “develop solutions to ensure the stable and efficient operation” of local producers operating in Poland and other member states of the European Union. If the EC does not extend the import ban, Poland will stop Ukrainian grain imports under national authority, the decision states. The embargo will remain in effect until Polish-Ukrainian relations in the field of agricultural products are settled, they add. In the announcement, they remind: Poland has been cooperating with Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria for several months in protecting the interests of farmers against the EC. It is thanks to the action of the five countries that the EC has introduced an import ban for the time being until September 15 – they add.
Poland supports Ukraine, but protects its own agriculture
Before Tuesday’s government meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski, president of the Law and Justice (PiS) party that leads the Polish government coalition, told the press: Warsaw is ready to support Ukraine during the war and in post-war reconstruction. “At the same time, we must keep in mind our citizens, our agriculture, our countryside. Our Ukrainian friends must understand this,” Kaczynski added. Speaking to the PAP news agency, government spokesman Piotr Müller confirmed that Poland will also allow the transit of Ukrainian grain to Western European and African countries after September 15. “However, we will implement this in such a way that the grain cannot be sold on the territory of Poland,” Müller underlined.
The subject of the possible extension of the EU import ban on Ukrainian agricultural products for five countries neighboring Ukraine is on the agenda of the European Parliament on Tuesday, and an EC decision is also expected on the matter.
Polish Agriculture Minister Robert Telus confirmed Warsaw’s position last Wednesday, according to which the measure should be extended until the end of the year.
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