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By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 03. 04. 11:52

After a year overshadowed by wars, pandemics and economic difficulties, in 2025 creative solutions will seek a balance between the digital and the real world – says the annual trend forecast Future 100 by advertising agency VML, based on a comprehensive survey conducted in 14 markets. The report provides an insight into the future: it explores 100 trends and shows how new technologies can offer alternative realities and how the desire for real experiences can influence consumer trends.

Chaos versus awareness

According to the VML Future 100 research, the basis of changed consumer needs is that nearly 70% of respondents are actively striving for more conscious shopping and preferring quality, sustainable products. However, this presents new challenges for brands: from 2025, it is expected that conscious consumption or spending habits, sustainability issues or the importance of offline leisure activities can no longer be ignored in marketing communication.

According to the research, all this also applies to digital solutions: 70% of people are thinking about an “information diet”, i.e. a temporary withdrawal from the online space. Brands are responding to this changed social need with simpler interfaces, applications and messages. Despite this, young people recognize and use the opportunities offered by technology to escape from reality. 67% of Generation Z admit that they can escape from chaotic everyday life through digital solutions.

Less alcohol, rethinking nutrition

And what can these digital solutions bring? While research into longevity and well-being is not a new phenomenon, innovations in artificial intelligence and consumer sectors are opening up new horizons in the issues of mortality and extending life. And while technology may focus on avoiding death or on the possibilities after it, improving quality of life will also be a major focus in 2025. According to the report, the “longevity revolution” is already underway, with the UN predicting that the number of people living to 100 could increase eightfold by 2050.

However, regardless of technological developments, consumers are increasingly demanding a conscious and healthy lifestyle. In recent years, it has been observed that younger generations are drinking less alcohol. In 2025, not only giving up alcoholic pleasures but also replacing them with healthy alternatives will be in focus. Moreover, a new dietary approach from Japan, based on circadian rhythms, could significantly determine what will be on our plates this year and, of course, when. The VML Future 100 report also reveals how culinary trends are shaping up, and what three otherwise healthy ingredients could top the #Trending lists. According to the trend forecast, the development of functional foods and ingredients could also drive special online and in-store shopping habits in a new direction.

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