Kométa to export to South Korea
Kométa is the only company in the industry to have retained its license to export meat products to South Korea. az iparágban egyedüliként őrizte meg húsexport-jogát Dél-Koreába. According to the competent ministry, Kométa 99 Zrtr. has met requirements at the revision held in the second half of 2006 and can continue to export to Korea. Kométa owned by the Italian Pedranzini and Ruffini families uses BRC, ISO 9001 and HACCP systems to guarantee the highest level of food safety. The enterprise was transformed into a company limited by shares with assests over HUF 5 billion last year. Growth of the company with annual revenues of over HUF 20 billion is the result of balanced product development. In addition to a strong domesticmarket presence, they export their products to 20 countries world-wide.
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