The Csányi-group requested a permission att he Competition Authority to the self-management of KITE

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 07. 30. 11:32

Three companies owned by Csányi Sándor requested for the approval of the Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) to gain self-control over the KITE Mezőgazdasági Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Zrt. (KITE Agricultural Service and Trade Ltd.) – the information was published on the website of the GVH.


The three companies, the Agrárintegrátor Kft., the Agrárspektrum Kft., and the Agrochain Kft. signed shares transfer and purchase agreements on 30 June with Guba Sándor, owner of the KITE Mezőgazdasági Szolgáltató és Kereskedelmi Zrt. (KITE Agricultural Service and Trade Ltd.). The Csányi-group requested a permission Competition Authority to the self-management of KITE on 27 July. (MTI)