The authority has lifted most of the surveillance zones set up due to bird flu

By: STA Date: 2025. 01. 16. 10:30

Given that there has been no new outbreak of bird flu in the southern Great Plain since the beginning of December and that the required measures have been taken, the Nébih has lifted most of the surveillance zones set up due to bird flu.

(Photo: Pixabay)

In the area of ​​the merged surveillance zone covering four counties (Bács-Kiskun, Békés, Csongrád-Csanád and Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok), the authority has not detected a new outbreak since December 7, so most of the zone has been lifted. Only one livestock farm affected by the disease has not completed the mandatory final disinfection before lifting, so a 10 km radius surveillance zone remains in place around this farm until it is lifted. Nébih draws the attention of animal keepers that the avian influenza virus is still present in the country, so compliance with biosecurity measures is of utmost importance. In high-risk counties, the mandatory confinement of poultry will remain in effect as long as the risk of poultry flocks becoming infected from wild birds is high.


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