Generali launches its “Lifelong Partnership 27: on the path to excellence” strategy
Generali Group launches a new three-year strategy called “Lifelong Partnership 27: on the path to excellence”, which sets ambitious growth targets and sustainable financial development for 2025-2027.
Financial targets and dividend policy
- Strong profit growth: Average annual growth in earnings per share (EPS) of between 8-10%, with a target of more than 11 billion euros in cumulative net cash flow.
- Dividend growth: Increase annual dividend by more than 10%, with a total payout of more than 7 billion euros.
- Share buyback: At least 1.5 billion euros of buybacks over the strategy period, starting with 500 million euros in 2025.
Strategic priorities - Customer relationship excellence: Generali aims to provide a seamless customer experience and strengthen its sales network.
- Development of core insurance capabilities: Increasing group-level technical expertise and economies of scale.
- Development of operating model: Increasing productivity and performance through shared services and core competencies.
- Investment in technology: 1.2-1.3 billion euros in total investment in artificial intelligence and digital solutions.
Sustainability and innovation
Generali pays special attention to sustainability and technological innovations. Improving customer service and increasing business efficiency through the use of artificial intelligence and data analytics is also a high priority.
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