Finally, more money is spent on ads for booze

By: Trademagazin Date: 2021. 05. 25. 11:40

Advertising spending on promoting alcoholic beverages could rise to $7.7 billion over three years from $6.6 billion last year.

Although alcohol brands spend twice the average on television, audience shrinkages by 2.4 per cent a year.
30 per cent of all alcohol advertising spending will be digital in 2023, while in 2019 it will be just 21 per cent.

Alcohol advertising in 12 key markets* will grow by 5.3 per cent in 2021, just above the 4.9 per cent average of the advertising market, after almost all of the brands involved are coming back from serious lows, reads Zenith, a business intelligence forecast from Publicis Groupe Hungary, a member agency of Publicis Groupe , which is known as alcohol: beers and spirits.