The importance of corporate sustainability reports reaches that of financial reports
Investors all over the world are looking for the opportunity for their investment to have a positive social impact in addition to adequate returns. However, it is easy to get lost among the various measurement results.
An increasing number of global financial investors are looking for investment instruments that take into account not only financial returns, but also whether the invested capital has a positive social impact. This is also why special attention is paid to the shares and bonds of companies that publish environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) reports or have such a rating. According to data from the Harvard Business Review (HBR), in 2020, ESG-related assets accounted for a third of the $51 trillion in US assets under professional management, but this number is expected to triple by 2025.
“The domestic practice also points in the direction that the issue of sustainability is becoming more and more important for investors and savers”
– says Suba Levente, head of sustainability at K&H. K&H’s responsible investment funds – that is, those that take ESG aspects into account – are very popular, with more than HUF 500 billion invested in them so far.
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