The companies plan to reduce the fringe benefits
It seems that the known details of the 2015 tax package will not be good for the cafeteria. Last week, many forecasts have been published about the expected impact of the tax increase of the fringe benefits, and none of them are promised too much good for the workers. The website interviewed 217 employers in the scope of a non-representative survey, about how they would react if the current 35.7 percent public burden on cafeteria would be increased to 51.17 percent.
42.4 percent of respondents said that they would give fringe benefits to their employers, but would reduce the value of benefits given to employees with the amuont of the increase in taxes. So the employer to devote the same amount of money for this in 2015, but the staff could use a smaller net framework. Primarily because of the larger firms would choose this way, this scenario would occur at 72.3 percent of the workers. (
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