The quality of the 2014 vintage depends on winemakers
This year winemakers need to do their best, because grape quality is rather poor and it will be their task to make good wine from what they have in the cellar. In Villány grape yield is expected to be below 6 tons/hectare, 15-20 percent lower than the average. In the Eger wine region they calculate with 7.2 tons per hectare. In the Mátraalja region they expect grape yield to be almost 8 tons/hectare. If the weather turns out well, yield will be better than the medium level and wine quality will be very good on the Great Hungarian Plain. In Tokaj 30,000 tons of grape will be harvested, a good medium volume that is less than last year’s 33,000 tons. In the Sopron and Pannonhalma-Sokoróalja wine region: Sopron reported excellent quality but low quantity, less than in rather bad recent years with an average yield of 6 tons/hectare. Pannonhalma will harvest a bit less grape than in the last few years but quality is good
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