U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder would strenghten the security of the malls

By: trademagazin Date: 2015. 03. 02. 11:00

Eric Holder, who will be leaving his post in the coming weeks, sat down for an interview with CNN at the U.S. Department of Justice headquarters Thursday in Washington D.C.


“I certainly think we have to step up our sensitivities to what goes on in these commercial enterprises,” Holder said. “I think it would be the responsible thing for operators of these malls to increase their capabilities when it comes to keeping people safe who are just going about their everyday lives.”

Holder stopped short of saying malls should employ body scanners like those used at airports, though.

“There are a variety of ways you can increase security, increase the presence of people who are responsible for security, cameras that you can use, a variety of techniques that I think can be employed that won't negatively impact the experience of fun that we have of going to a mall while at the same time enhancing the security of people who go there, people like myself, people like my kids,” he said. (Pogár Demeter, MTI)

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