The BCSDH is announcing the Sustainable Future Award again this year
The current situation poses serious challenges to business actors. This should encourage us even more to act quickly, to transform our systems into more sustainable ones. The award for a sustainable future is announced by the BCSDH focusing on the areas where companies have the greatest impact on the transformation of systems.
The Hungarian Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSDH) is a forward-thinking community of CEOs of more than 130 sustainable companies. BCSDH would like to inspire companies and their managers to integrate sustainability aspects into their decisions and to develop business solutions that go beyond the usual course of business. This is also rewarded every year with the Sustainable Future Award, for which you can apply again in 2023. You can apply for the competition from four areas.
Change Leader Award – the award for outstanding leadership and responsibility
The BCSDH wishes to recognize with this award those company managers and senior managers (both men and women) who successfully represent responsible, sustainable thinking in their work and in other areas of their lives, who contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs and/or who are innovative, exemplary and outstanding actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and systemic transformations.
Leading Woman Award – recognition of outstanding leading women in the entire business sphere
The purpose of the Leading Woman award is to recognize outstanding female leaders of companies who work for sustainability and the implementation of one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The award was launched as part of the contribution to the achievement of the 5th goal, the essence of which is the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women by 2030. An outstanding, female top manager (not necessarily the number one manager) of the company, who has a significant result in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, or women who are encouraging role models can be named.
Corporate Transformation Award – The award for the greatest progress towards achieving sustainable operations
The purpose of the corporate transformation award is to recognize and widely present those companies that increasingly integrate the guidelines of sustainable corporate management into their business operations, thereby contributing to the acceleration of systemic transformations and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The application must present the system-level changes that have taken place in the applicant’s organization in the past period in line with the BCSDH’s sustainable corporate management guidelines. You can apply with several business solutions, but these must be uploaded separately to the application interface.
Business Solution Award – Business solution and business model change
The purpose of the Business solution, business model change award is to recognize and broadly present innovative business solutions and business model changes that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals or systemic transformations in one of the following areas: • Circular economy • Climate protection and adaptation • Preservation and restoration of biodiversity
You can apply with several business solutions, but these must be uploaded separately to the application interface.
Applications and nominations can be made online on the subpages of each category. Filling out the online application forms can be interrupted and even continued from another computer. The applications received will be judged by a five-person professional jury. The members of the jury evaluate the candidates independently. Based on the individual evaluation sheets, the BCSDH aggregates the points for each application, and then sends this result to each member of the jury. The jury compiles the applications that have reached the finals based on the total points, from which the awardees are selected during a joint discussion.
Deadline for submitting final online applications: July 31, 11:59 p.m
The award ceremony will take place on October 12, 2023, at the BCSDH Business Lunch.
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