MKVM is 56 years old
On August 20, the Hungarian Trade and Catering Industry Museum celebrates its 56th birthday. This year’s MKVM commemorative medal will be presented as part of the birthday event.
The MKVM commemorative medal can be awarded to persons (former employees of the museum, professional and academic specialists, partners) who have carried out activities of outstanding importance for the institution spanning several years. The prize is awarded to the awardees by the museum’s current employees. The original medal on which the award is based was awarded in 1970 to the founders of the museum and important persons involved in the founding activities. The medal was designed by graphic designer Miklós Győry and cast by Antal Halász; it is decorated with the Latin inscription of the Musaeum Artis Hospites Excipiendi In Hungaria (Hungarian Hospitality Museum) and symbols of tourism and hospitality. Since 2020, the MKVM commemorative medal has been awarded every year on August 20, the anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian Trade and Hospitality Museum, at the museum’s birthday event.
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