2025: the emphasis should be on quality instead of quantity

By: Trademagazin Date: 2025. 02. 04. 11:02

Despite the explosive development of the Hungarian solar market, the corporate sector faces numerous challenges. The drastic fluctuations in domestic and international energy prices, the rapid technological and digitalization development, extreme weather conditions, and the continuous changes in the regulatory environment all affect the competitiveness of the sector. Can the domestic industry find solutions to these problems, and how can hybrid solutions contribute to the realization of sustainable energy supply? Green Cloud experts are looking for answers to these questions and have identified 4 key factors that fundamentally determine the future of the domestic industry. Friday’s announcement marking the end of KÁT-Kanaan, for example, is definitely welcome.

The Hungarian energy sector is also among the top solar power producers within the EU, having held its position for years. At the same time, Green Cloud experts believe that companies can expect serious risks on a daily basis. According to the company, the price of energy available on the market has become a business risk, as its extreme changes can significantly disrupt the management of companies, and in worse cases can lead to the postponement of investments or the reorganization of activities, or layoffs. In addition to the volatile energy market, ESG compliance affecting an increasing number of business players also poses challenges.

Positive Hungarian energy balance for 2024:

The total capacity of industrial solar power plants is already around 4 gigawatts, so the EU targets can be safely achieved by 2030.
The country is also performing well on the other side of the EU commitments: according to 2024 data, Hungary’s GHG emissions have decreased by 43% in 30 years, thus exceeding the value committed for 2030, which is why Hungary increased the emission reduction target to 50% during the revision of the National Energy and Climate Plan.

Providing domestic companies with renewable energy, including solar energy, is one of the most effective ways to ensure competitiveness, as it contributes to reducing carbon emissions and provides an alternative to high energy prices. However, implementation can take many forms, and the framework of operations can be shaped in many ways.

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