The most popular videos of 2013 I. – Video of the day
Here are some of the most popular videos we shared in 2013. Enjoy!
What do 2000 calories look like?
A fun video shows what 2,000 calories worth of different foods look like. Inspired by a post from wiseGEEK which showed pictures of foods in 200 calorie portions, BuzzFeed's Andrew Gaulthier measured out 2,000 calories worth of foods like M&Ms, Big Macs, french fries, carrots, cobb salads, and avocados. While you might have guessed how few Cinnabons equal a 2,000 calorie serving, you might be pleasantly surprised by how many pieces of bacon it takes to hit your daily caloric allowance.
How did I get a job at Heineken? – Video of the day
Crowd sourced recruiting reinvented? You should see how Dutch beer brand Heineken gets “the candidate”. And more careers ending on video. Standard questions. Prepared answers. If job interviews are all the same, how to find the right talent among 1734 applicants? But not if you want to enter the UEFA Champions League with Heineken. Fire and passion? Passion for football, is not enough. Not at Heineken.
One for you, one for me – Video of the day
For years, Coke has encouraged people to share happiness—and has given them lots of surprising ways to share a Coke. This time, they've taken the classic Coca-Cola 330ml can and designed it for two persons. Twist, turn and share—”yes”, the Coca-Cola can itself.
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