The best videos of 2012 pt 5. – Video of the day
Here are some of the best videos of 2012:
Superflex created a life-sized replica of a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant, without any customers or staff present, gradually floods with water. The film discusses ideas of consumerism and all-too-familiar imagery from natural disasters, like recent flooding, in the news.
“Flooded McDonald's” is shown as a looped digital video projection, 21 minutes in lengthm, but unfortunately we could only get hold of a short fragment of the project…
Absolute greyhound:
Synethesia (the ability associate sounds with tastes, colors, letters, numbers or even people) is a phenomenon that easily sets the stage for a visually rich piece. However, it’s Terri’s refined storytelling abilities and aesthetic that really make this piece stand out for me.
Terri Timely’s growing body of work creates an intimate portraiture of humanity. They also posses an impressionistic disconnect that seems to thrust them into a realm of hyper-reality and oftentimes parody. This is in-part to Timely’s acute sensibilities in art direction, painterly cinematography and appropriate use of effects (both in and out of camera) to create their worlds. From there, their observation for detail — both in characters and subtle visual elements — makes their work the immersive experience that it is.
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