New agricultural investment decisions worth HUF 10.8 billion were made

By: STA Date: 2024. 06. 04. 09:30

In the past few days, the Ministry of Agriculture made support decisions worth 10.84 billion forints in relation to 171 more requests in connection with the calls announced within the framework of the Rural Development Program.

Beneficiaries can receive the supporting documents at the beginning of June (Photo: AM/Csaba Pelsőczy)

The improvements to be implemented primarily affect irrigation, but – among other things – investments in new livestock farms and infrastructural developments of farms are also supported.

Irrigation development is of decisive importance in maintaining the safety of production and in the cultivation of crops with high added value

This was helped by the call for tenders supporting irrigation development, within the framework of which new projects receive funding, so a decision has now been made to award almost HUF 3.7 billion. Economies of scale make irrigation activities possible and result in more efficient use of water resources if farmers jointly and cooperatively develop irrigation capacities. This was encouraged by the call to support the cooperation of the irrigation communities, in connection with which a further 54 communities were awarded a grant of HUF 4.18 billion.

Beneficiaries can receive supporting documents at the beginning of June

In parallel with the closing of the Rural Development Program, the Ministry of Agriculture is continuously working on the calls for proposals for the next period’s development program, the KAP Strategic Plan. As a result, the agricultural and processing investment program, which is key for rural areas, will continue based on the previously published tender schedule. The Government of Hungary pursues a farmer-friendly agricultural policy, which is why it helps the Hungarian countryside with all possible means.