Tag "dm"

Retail trade and FMCG have become more attractive to workers

On 25 April Randstad Magyarország published the list of Hungary’s most attractive employers for the 11th time.   This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 According to the...

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dm-drogerie markt Rolls Out Express Delivery Service In Bonn

German retailer dm-drogerie markt has rolled out an express delivery service in Bonn, extending the service to eight cities in the country. The company relies on cargo bikes and e-vehicles...

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Müller narrowly beat Rossmann

The competition between the three largest Hungarian drugstore chains continues, where dm is still in the leading position, while Rossmann is closely followed, and Müller is firmly in third place....

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FMCG retailer ranking 2023 is out now

Lidl, SPAR and Tesco are the top three, but there are changes! FMCG retail had a difficult year, with the inflation – which was particularly high in the sector –...

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No surprises? Yes, there are!

At first glance not much has changed in the top 10 since last year, but a closer look at the numbers will reveal a thing or two… This article is...

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dm Beauty Workshop: “Nature is full of new ideas”

In many areas of life, people can draw inspiration from nature, the eternal source has always fascinated and nourished their creativity. Throughout the centuries, artists, poets, writers and musicians have...

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An all-around convincing performance by this year’s EuroCIS

This year’s EuroCIS – the leading trade fair for the retail technology industry – was a big success. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/5 The trade...

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dm organized its Charity Soccer Tournament for the 9th time

For the ninth time this year, dm’s employees and business partners kicked the ball in order to support a good cause with the all-day event. By participating in the tournament,...

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Serums here, active ingredients there

Traditionally women’s facial care products have been surrounded by greater interest, but as men’s skin care habits have changed in recent years, cosmetics for men are increasingly in the centre...

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Functional foods in full force

Functional products include fortified foods and beverages, nutritional and dietary supplements, and various bars and snacks enriched with vitamins, minerals, probiotics, proteins and other nutrients. These products represent the perfect...

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Plant-based foods are taking over

Both manufacturers and distributors in the plant-based segment are trying to keep up with consumer demand, experimenting with innovative products and sustainable solutions. This article is available for reading in...

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A new era in facial care

NIQ data indicates that the facial care category is growing steadily in both value and volume. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 Hyaluronic acid, the miracle...

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Cleanness and caring: new directions in baby care

In 2023 the Hungarian nappy market is expected to grow by over 10% in value compared to the previous year, but a sales decline is likely in volume, according to...

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Dm helps families with young children in need by donating nappies

This year again three trucks transported 75 pallets of babylove nappies – a total of 6,500 packs – from the dm drugstore chain’s warehouse, to be distributed among 260 families...

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(HU) Minden szempontból meggyőzően teljesített az idei EuroCIS

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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dm is also active in supporting social issues

Thousands of bottles of sunscreen, 6,500 packs of diapers, a renovated playground, education supporting a healthy lifestyle, projects strengthening women’s communities, hygiene products – responsibility can take many forms. dm...

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dm tests filling stations in Germany

Nuts, lentils, spelt pasta, muesli or coffee: in 15 selected dm stores in Hessen, North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony, customers have the opportunity under a recent dmBio pilot project to...

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StarStore – Év Kereskedője 2023: Átadtuk a díjakat

A Trade magazin idén már 9. alkalommal hívta versenyezni a Magyarországon bejegyzett székhellyel rendelkező értékesítési pontokat és üzletláncokat. A rangos verseny díjátadására a szakma legnagyobb konferenciájának, a Business Daysnek gálavacsoráján került...

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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International Health Weeks – dm initiative for the health of employees in 14 countries

The dm concern organized international Health Weeks between October 9 and November 10 for more than 71,600 of its employees across Europe. In each of the 14 countries where dm...

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Giving Friday – with HUF 30 million, dm supports the education of children for a healthy lifestyle

Five years ago, dm decided to redefine Black Friday and, instead of sales, donate 5 percent of its total turnover that day to support a social cause. 5% of the...

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Dm is 30 years old – investing in the future, customer satisfaction and employees

Dm Magyarország is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and in the last financial year the company’s sales turnover went above HUF 208 billion, growing by 28.38% if compared with the...

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„Bőrgyógyász és kozmetikus” a fürdőszobapolcon

Az arcápolási kategóriában jelentős mértékű növekedés történt az elmúlt időszakban, ami leginkább a COVID alatti lezárások ideje alatt berobbanó trendnek, az otthoni, tudatos bőrápolásnak köszönhető. Arcbőrünk ápolása már korántsem egy...

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Személyesen vagy online?

Az elmúlt években a koronavírus számos országban, így hazánkban is jelentős mértékben hozzájárult az online értékesítés népszerűségének növekedéséhez. Bár kijelenthető, hogy az online piac egyre nagyobb szeletét teszi ki a...

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This is how dm celebrates: 30 years, HUF 30 million grant for civilians

Personal advice, a digital knowledge base, preventive screenings – with a wide range of support tools, dm helped to preserve the health of customers and colleagues this year. The company...

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Picnic to become online drugstore in Germany

Online-only supermarket Picnic is expanding its product range with the help of Edeka, a German chain of supermarkets. It is adding drugstore items and wants to become a drugstore in...

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Practicality and surprise in a single package

In 2022 the market for Christmas beauty gift sets expanded by nearly 8% in value, driven by increased price levels only, as sales were down more than 15% if measured...

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dm Beauty bus: they bring make-up and relaxation to your home!

dm brings beauty care to your home in the autumn: the drugstore’s Beauty Bus is available to the public at 20 locations, popular festivals and dm events. Those interested can...

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Sustainability with reservations

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/8-9. The Hungarian Food Bank Association has been helping people in need for 18 years “For the first time, this year...

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Product recall at dm

As a precaution, dm is recalling from its shelves on 04.06.2024. dmBio raspberry puffed rice disc with an expiration date. It cannot be ruled out that the packages with the...

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