This pineapple costs 400 USD, but is a huge success

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 05. 28. 10:21

As a result of more than a decade of development work, the American food company Del Monte presented the Rubyglow pineapple, whose characteristic ruby ​​red color gave it its name. The special fruit was first sold in China and was eventually introduced to the American market. However, anyone who wants to taste this extremely sweet fruit will have to dig deep into their pockets, as one piece costs almost 400 US dollars.

Rubyglow pineapple stands out on the market not only with its color and taste, but also with its price. Despite this, there is significant demand for it, even among Americans who have been living with increasingly high food prices lately. Del Monte’s decision to make the fruit available to American consumers suggests that there is a market for specialty and premium products. The high interest in the fruit reflects a general trend toward new fruit varieties, which include Honeycrisp apples, Cotton Candy grapes, Sumo Citrus and Japanese upright strawberries. The demand for new products appearing on the market is also strengthened by high-end restaurants, gourmets and various online platforms.

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