Refillable beverage packaging is in danger – the Humus Association urges action

By: Trademagazin Date: 2024. 09. 04. 12:03

On July 1st, the redemption fee system came into effect, which also steered the regulation of beverage packaging in a new direction in Hungary. Old-style packaging is only available while supplies last, and manufacturers can only deliver new packaging with logos and barcodes to stores. According to the Humus Association, however, there is a danger that the new system will lead to the elimination of refillable multi-use packaging.

Several grocery chains, such as Lidl and Penny, have already stopped selling multi-use rolls and are using single-use machines. Although Coop continues to offer multi-trip products, they are only redeemed at the cash register, which in the long term may foreshadow the complete cessation of the system.

According to the concern of the Humus Association, more and more refillable bottles end up on the street or in the waste, which leads to an increase in waste production. Demand for refillable beverage packaging is falling, and manufacturers may be moving toward elimination due to rising costs. The association contacted both Mohu and the competent ministry in order to make changes in the system in time before the refillable packaging disappears for good, reports the Pénzcentrum.

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